Chapter 108: The big guy's little cutie (36)

Chapter 108 The big guy's little cutie (36)

Ning Feng has always been more concerned about some gossip.

So, he saw this post not long after it was posted.

Ning Feng looked confused, "???"

Am I not miserable enough?

Which one who kills a thousand knives can't get along with me?

You want to harm me like this?

He flipped through the comments again.

A bunch of people are calling him a bitch? ? ?

What the hell?

I can't bear it!

His tea brother is so cute, well-behaved and soft, and a scheming girl? Mind you uncle!

What a bunch of people full of malice!

He didn't say a word, just went up and tore.

【Ning Feng from Brother Zhou's house】: Which eye did you see that white tea made me turn against Brother Zhou and me? Get out of the post, let's chat face to face!

After he sent this sentence, he stood up aggressively and slammed the table.

Zhen's entire class shrank subconsciously.

"???" A bunch of people said: Silly.

what happened?

Who provoked this second-in-command?

Zhou Qinghuan tilted his head and looked at Ning Feng, "What happened?"

Ning Feng lowered his eyes and handed the phone over, "Brother Zhou, look." He suspected that this post was sent by someone in the class.

The content of this post is very similar, and part of it is the way the three of them get along.

This is clearly what happened in the class.

Zhou Qinghuan put down his phone, his face was gloomy and his dark eyes were full of murderous intent, "Whoever posted the post, stand up!"

The cold voice is like a cold river.

Hearing his post, some people were waiting to watch the play, and some people were dumbfounded and didn't know what happened.

For example, the most obvious chacha.

She was peeling her lollipop with her head down, when she was frightened by the sudden voice from Brother Zhou, and the candy fell off...

Cha Cha stared blankly at the torn lollipop that fell on the ground.

"..." Her candy... was scared to death by Brother Zhou again! ! !

She pouted, pulled out a tissue, picked up the candy, and threw it into the trash.

Because of Brother Zhou, she dropped candy twice.

【Chacha, your brother Zhou didn’t do it on purpose. 】 Seventy-seven panicked group.

I'm afraid that Chacha will hate Zhou Qinghuan because of the two lollipops.

Alas, what a miserable male protagonist, he competes with lollipops every day for pets, but he can't compete!

It's also a terrible system.

Chacha shook his head, "Qiqi, you think too much, it's just a piece of candy." I'm not that stingy!

"And, how could I be someone who cares about a candy?"

Chacha said a little helplessly, thought about it, and added, "Qiqi, so in your heart, I am such a person? I'm not happy!"

Qiqi, [...No no no no! Cha Cha is always the best Cha Cha! No matter what Chacha does, Qiqi will support you unconditionally! 】


After she communicated with Qiqi, she turned her attention to Zhou Qinghuan and Ning Feng.

“What post?”

To make Brother Zhou so angry? She was very curious.

Hearing her voice, Zhou Qinghuan tilted his head to look at her, "It's nothing, it's a little thing, just do your thing."

His voice subconsciously softened a bit.

Ning Feng, "..."

Students in the class, "..."

They seem to understand what it means: It's not that the male **** is cold, but the male **** is not you...

The cold, fierce and ruthless school bully actually has such a gentle side.

Small heart aches suddenly.

They thought they might have been hit.


Two more, remember to vote.

The    weekly recommendation ticket ranking has dropped again, and my heart aches.

Thanks for Shenxing, Ruo Butterfly Dance, Mu Sheng acridine, Wang Ying, the beauty of the Yi family is unknown, the humble and small Ru, Nian, for the reward, ah ah~

(end of this chapter)