Chapter 125: Big boss's little cutie (53)

Chapter 125 The big guy's little cutie (53)

Father Zhou raised his finger and pointed at Cha Cha, his face was terrifyingly blue, and his hands in mid-air were shaking with anger.

He looked at her righteous look, but he couldn't figure out how to attack her.


On the other hand, Mother Jiang watched her baby daughter cry with rain, and her anger surged.

She pulled Father Zhou away and swept around Cha Cha with a sharp gaze.

"Young age, sharp teeth and sharp mouth, powerful enough!"

Cha Cha immediately looked disgusted, "Oh, I know I'm amazing, you don't need to praise me."

No one praised her, she liked it all.

Just like the person in front of her, she doesn't like it very much, and she doesn't like it even if you praise her!

Mother Jiang, "..." Who praised you so much?

Mother Jiang is different from Father Zhou. Most of the people Father Zhou meets are business partners, but Mother Jiang sees wives in the circle most of the time. .

Therefore, her number is obviously much higher than that of Zhou's father.

She was not in a hurry and started to hit the key points.

"As a person, I have always liked to say something on the table and praise you for your sharp teeth and sharp mouth. That's a nice way to say it.

This unpleasant statement is called—uneducated!

However, I can't talk about upbringing with someone like you, after all, you don't have upbringing.

So, let me tell you directly, why do you want to let Yunyan of my family, because she is the jewel of my Jiang family, and you, where did you come out of the wild girl?

Dare to bully my Yunyan? "

Mr Jiang raised her brows slightly and looked at the little girl in front of her with sharp eyes.

Zhou Qinghuan's face was extremely cold, he moved his wrist and opened the tea, and he was about to start with Jiang mother.

What is it? Dare to say that his tea tea is uneducated?

If I don't beat you all over the place to find your teeth, I won't be named...

"Brother Zhou, don't move around, it will affect my performance!"

Cha Cha stretched out his hand and pulled Zhou Qinghuan to the back again, oops, it's tearing up, don't hold her back!

Zhou Qinghuan, who was held back by disgust, "..." was in a complicated mood.

Chacha stroked his sleeves and stared at Mother Jiang with his head tilted, "What is upbringing? Is it edible? Is it delicious? If it is delicious, I can consider picking her up."

Mother Jiang, "???"

Cha Cha looked serious, "However, I don't think it should taste good, because you have no education, and I heard the education tell me that it doesn't want to pay attention to you, it dislikes you, and it feels disgusting when it sees you. ."

Mother Jiang's face changed, "You..."

"By the way, you said that your Yunyan is a jewel in the palm of your hand, then let me tell you, I'm still a baby! You still want a baby to let her, why? How old is she!"

Who is not a baby anymore? ? ?

Cha Cha rolled her eyes towards Mother Jiang without hesitation, and glanced at Jiang Yunyan who was so angry that she forgot to wipe her tears.

"Hey, the apple of the Jiang family, why don't you cry?

Keep crying, try harder, don't cry so fake! Maybe in the future I can go to play! "

Good baby looked at Jiang Yunyan with a smile.

was stunned to see Jiang Yunyan's heart trembling.


What the **** is this little girl in front of me saying so many cruel words with a simple and innocent face?

Mother Jiang was almost out of breath.

Father Zhou stood behind Mother Jiang with a complicated face, and the corners of his mouth twitched from time to time.

At a young age, he was so angry with Mother Jiang, and it was really powerful...

Um? Wait, his focus seems to be wrong.

Two more.

Recommend a wave of tickets.

The recommended ticket is powerful, and there will be more updates, okay~

(end of this chapter)