Chapter 149: Extra (3)

Chapter 149 Fanwai (3)

Zhou Qinghuan opened four or five letters in a row.

did not see a normal letter of confession.

All kinds of mess, in short, in his eyes, these love letters are all spicy chickens!

With a cold face, he turned his hand and threw it to Ning Feng.

"Throw it all away."

Ning Feng, who was watching the play, secretly poked, "???" Wouldn't you throw it yourself?

The trash can so close?

Throwing a love letter still has a sense of ceremony?

Ning Feng looked bewildered, but he didn't dare to say anything. He silently accepted the letter and threw it into the trash can.

He couldn't help sighing, it was too dazzling to grab his daughter-in-law with his brother Zhou.

According to the past, it is estimated that his brother Zhou can go up and find these people who wrote love letters one by one, and then beat them all!

Approximately, the only way to vent the hatred in the heart.

As for now?

His brother Zhou has really changed, and his temper has improved a lot.

While thinking about it, he heard a soft voice, "..." Tsk, he suddenly knew why his brother Zhou had such a good temper.

Cha Cha pulled Zhou Qinghuan's sleeve curiously, "Brother Zhou? Are those letters good-looking?"

Listen, is this something a normal person can ask?

Zhou Qinghuan had a dark face, resisting the urge to hit someone, "It doesn't look good, it doesn't look good at all!"

Ah! The daughter-in-law received a bunch of love letters, and she turned around and asked him if the love letters were good?

I'm afraid I want to **** him off.

Cha Cha looked suspicious, "It doesn't look good? Then why are you smiling while watching?" Don't think I didn't see it, your mood has obviously changed!

Therefore, it must be false to say that it is not good-looking!

Zhou Qinghuan who was suddenly choked, "..." The reason why he laughed was naturally because those love writings were really spicy.

If it were him, he would definitely be able to throw those people a dozen streets away!

Someone is quite confident, and his face is full of contempt.

"Cha Bao, wait for me at night, and send you a better-looking letter, okay? You can't just read those messy ones. If someone hands them to you in the future, just throw them to Xiao Fengzi."

After all, it's not a letter, and it's worth throwing into the trash with his own hands.

Ning Feng laughed, and gradually guessed what his brother Zhou was thinking.

With all due respect, under such circumstances, Brother Zhou would be slapped in the face... He waited quietly to watch the play.

It turns out.

Zhou Qinghuan was indeed slapped in the face by himself.


Chacha looked at Zhou Qinghuan expectantly, "Brother Zhou, didn't you say you want to send me a super nice letter?"

Brother Zhou bowed his head very guiltyly, "...I-I'll prepare."

"...Okay." Cha Cha was a little lost.

The letter that    was looking forward to is gone.

But it doesn't matter, wait for tomorrow!


Late at night.

Ning Feng slept and woke up in a daze. He was going to go to the bathroom. Suddenly, there was a man standing not far from the bed.

was so frightened that his whole body was jolted, and there was no sleepiness at all.

He subconsciously turned on the light, but suddenly found that the person standing was his brother Zhou.


He sighed while clutching his little heart.

"Brother Zhou? You, you, you don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing?" It scared him to death.

is really terrible!

Zhou Qinghuan gave him a faint look, "I'm writing a love letter."

Ning Feng, "…………"

After three seconds.

Ning Feng couldn't help it, he burst out laughing, hahahahaha...

The way of heaven has reincarnation.

Isn't it easy to write love letters?

Didn't you throw all the love letters sent to Brother Tea in the trash can?

You wrote a love letter that is more perfect than those!

Two more.

Today is the day when Brother Zhou slapped his face!

(end of this chapter)