Chapter 153: Tyrant's Coddle (3)

Chapter 153 The tyrant's coddle (3)

Cha Cha calmly raised his eyes and looked forward.

Sure enough, I saw Di Hanshu.

Her gaze quickly passed over him and landed on the man behind him.

The original owner's father, General Xue.

Father Xue loves the daughter of the original owner very much, and the relationship between father and daughter is also very good.

The moment    saw him, Cha Cha showed a sweet smile and walked towards him, "What is Daddy looking for from me?"

Father Xue laughed along with him first, hey, his daughter is really getting better and better.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he glanced at Shu Wang, who was ignored by his daughter, with some embarrassment.

He quietly winked at his daughter.

Cha Cha pretended to be puzzled, "Huh? Dad, what's wrong with your eyes? Are you uncomfortable? My daughter will ask a doctor to help you take a look."

"...I'm fine." Father Xue couldn't help holding his forehead.

This silly daughter...

He tilted his head to look at Di Hanshu and said with a smile, "I made King Shu laugh, my daughter is spoiled by me, Chacha, hurry up and salute to King Shu."

"Okay." Huh?


Why are you saluting?

Suddenly a little panicked.


"Seven, Seventy-seven, how do you bow in this dynasty???"

No, never learned.

A group of   77 panicked and hurriedly passed the image of the original owner salute to Chacha.

Cha Cha took a quick look, and then bowed to Di Hanshu.

Di Hanshu is really good looking, his face is well-defined, his temperament is as warm as jade, and he has a noble aura in every gesture.

Coupled with the identity and background, he behaves in the world.

No wonder he made many girls miss him.

"Ms. Xue Er doesn't have to be so polite. This king is here to discuss a marriage contract with General Xue."

A marriage contract?

She was too coincidental, she blinked and looked at Father Xue eagerly.

If Di Hanshu hadn't been here, she would have asked Father Xue directly if she could refuse this marriage.

Father Xue looked at his daughter with a headache, those beautiful eyes were shining brightly.


He looked at Di Hanshu again, alas, she is indeed good-looking, and she is worthy of his daughter.

If his daughter was really satisfied, he wouldn't say anything.

However, this marriage cannot be rushed.

Before that, let’s get to know each other a little bit?

Thinking like this, Father Xue, who would be wrong, looked at his daughter reluctantly, "Daughter, in a few days' Mid-Autumn Festival, the lantern festival in the city will be very lively, why don't you go with King Shu to see it?"

Hearing this, Cha Cha's small face was stunned.

"Daddy, you, you don't want me anymore?" Let her go to the lantern festival with a bad guy?

Isn't this a sheep into the tiger's mouth?

Father Xue, "You kid, what are you talking about?"

Without waiting for him to continue speaking, Cha Cha was afraid that his words would be surprising, so he took two steps forward, leaned in front of him, and gave him a wink: I don't like him! I don't like it, I don't like it, I don't like it!

Father Xue was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a clear expression.

Don't like King Shu?

Then this is easy to do.

It's just right, he doesn't like King Shu either, it looks good, but his scheming is too deep.

I was still thinking about what would happen if my daughter liked King Shu...

is now just in line with his wishes.

So, Father Xue clenched his hand into a fist and put it on his lips and coughed twice, "King Shu, this minister is negligent. If you go together, I'm afraid it will ruin your reputation."

Chacha, is "???" a biological father?

Is my reputation less than that of King Shu?

Di Hanshu's expression was indifferent, his fingers dangling beside him shook, other than that, there was nothing unusual.

"It doesn't matter. On the day of the lantern festival, the general can also go together. If this king remembers correctly, there should be a young lady in the general's mansion. When that time comes, this king will invite a few more sons from aristocratic families. What do you think?"

Two more.

Male protagonist (gritting his teeth): Let me out! If I don't go out again, my daughter-in-law will be gone...

(end of this chapter)