Chapter 160: Tyrant's Coddle (10)

Chapter 160 The tyrant's coddle (10)

The younger prince swaggered into the wing and looked at Cha Cha with a proud face.

"Little fool, did I say you're really stupid? Why don't you show respect when you see my imperial brother?"

Cha Cha tilted his head and rolled up the sleeves that were down.

The sharpness in his eyes made the young prince retreat back and forth in fright and hid behind Di Hancheng.

"You, you, my brother is here! If you dare to do something to my king, you will be finished!"

Cha Cha smiled, smiling especially sweetly at the younger prince.

Seven Seven, 【! ! ! 】

"I didn't want to do it at first, but you inspired my curiosity. So, I especially want to know what will happen after I do it!"

Call me a fool?

Then...I'll call you a fool, okay?

Hong Luo outside the wing was so anxious that he almost burst into tears, and suddenly he heard a familiar wailing sound.

"...This voice?" It seemed like the younger prince.

She looked anxiously at the wing room, but there were guards outside the wing room, and inside the wing room, there were only the second young lady, the emperor, and the younger prince...

She couldn't get in at all.

Cha Cha looked at Di Hanyue who was beaten and huddled in the corner. She was very happy. She shook her fist in front of him, "Say, who is the little fool!"

Di Han snorted coldly, "A scholar can be killed but not shamed! Even if you kill me, I won't admit that I'm a fool!"

"...Okay, then I can only kill you."

Chacha is a righteous threat.

Completely ignore the other person in the room.

Di Hanyue was even more bitter and could not tell.

His imperial brother is poisonous today! Even if you don't help him, he is still watching the play!

Go to the theater!

What, am I still your most beloved imperial brother? ? ?

you've changed!

You are no longer the most beloved royal brother in my heart!

Brother Huang, I suspect you are a fake!

Seeing that Chacha was about to start a new round of attacks, Di Hancheng couldn't help but stop it.


He figured that if he didn't shout again, the little girl would really continue to fight.

Cha Cha looked at Di Hancheng, then looked at the poor Di Hanyue, struggled for a while, then withdrew his fist, "Okay, I won't hit you for the sake of your imperial brother, but you will dare to do it again in the future. Call out the three words "little fool" and I'll hit you once!"

"...Xue Cha! This king is the king! The king! The king of Yue, who was proclaimed by the emperor himself!"

Your father didn't dare to do anything to me when he saw me!

If you do anything to me, you still threaten me in an upright manner?

Am I shameless?

Cha Cha, who was yelled at, frowned at him, "You are so useless, you can't beat me, a weak and weak girl, are you embarrassed to use your identity to oppress others?

A fight is a fight, if you can't fight, you can't fight! If you don't agree, you can call a few more people to fight together!

Besides, I didn't reason with you that I was a little girl! How can a man bully a girl? I can't beat it and pretend to be wronged... shame..."

Di Han's face flushed with anger, "..." For a long time, he didn't say a word of rebuttal.

for a long time.

He heard a chuckle.

looked at his imperial brother in astonishment.

just saw Di Hancheng's unrecovered smile.

"...Emperor, Brother Huang, you actually laughed?"

I haven't laughed since the emperor's brother ascended the throne.

Now, are you actually smiling? Laughed?

He looked at Cha Cha in a daze, thinking about what just happened.

Look at this moment again, the two of them stared at each other like no one else.

The Younger Prince, "!!!" I suspect that the two of you have long been secretive in Chencang!

Although the idea sounds silly, I can't find any other explanation...

One more update, a wave of recommended tickets~

(end of this chapter)