Chapter 168: Tyrant's Coddle (18)

Chapter 168 The tyrant's coddle (18)

Father Xue was almost happy when he heard Cha Cha's words.

Hey, it's great that my daughter wasn't kidnapped!

Well, how could someone as smart as his daughter be deceived by the emperor's rhetoric?

Father Xue proudly threw a look at Dihan City.

"In this case, the emperor, the minister and his daughter will retire first!"

Cha Cha nodded, although she wanted to live in this restaurant, but... Said she wanted to take daddy to eat delicious food, then she had to take daddy to eat delicious food.

She shoved the remaining Jinchuang medicine into Dihancheng's arms.

Before leaving, I reminded worriedly, "Don't be so stupid next time!"

She thought about it for a while, and planned to continue to explain a few words, but she heard Father Xue's pitiful voice.

"Daughter, Daddy is really hungry!"

"Well, let's go then." Cha Cha waved to Di Hancheng.

Although he has not finished explaining it, he is already an adult, so she shouldn't need to worry about it.

Anyway...he has a lot of guards around him.

should take good care of him.

However, the delicious food is different, she needs to take her daddy to pamper them!

Chacha's eyes are full of anticipation.

"Daddy, let me tell you, what Hong Luo said is delicious, basically it tastes good!"


"Yes, yes, eh? Wait, where's Hong Luo? Where did Hong Luo go?"

Cha Cha paused, suddenly stunned.

Father Xue was also taken aback for a moment, yes, where did that little girl go?

"Miss! General!"

Hong Luo, who was released from the next wing, almost burst into tears.

"'ll be fine."

Cha Cha took a step back with a guilty conscience.

She really didn't leave Hong Luo there on purpose.

The three of them walked together, and when they walked out of the restaurant, the carriage of the General’s Mansion was already waiting outside.

Father Xue thought very well.

"Daughter, it's time to get tired after walking for so long. We can rest while looking for food in the carriage."

In this way, the chance of being seen by others can be reduced.

Father Xue thought silently in his heart.

After Cha Cha got into the carriage, Father Xue turned his head faintly and glanced at a room on the second floor of the restaurant.

Secretly observed Dihan City, who was almost discovered, "..."

Startled, he turned around quickly.

Father Xue's smile was meaningful, and he was very happy along the way.

When we returned to the General’s Mansion in the evening.

Cha Cha suddenly remembered something, "Daddy, how did you know I was in that restaurant?"

"Huh? When you went out, Daddy sent a secret guard to follow you."

Otherwise, how could he really let a Hong Luo who doesn't know martial arts follow her?

Two little girls, what if something happens?

"Is that so? Daddy, what you think is really thoughtful."

Cha Cha finished praising Father Xue, and then focused on the candied fruit she brought back and all kinds of food.

Father Xue sighed helplessly, this time, he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

According to the emperor's temper, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to let go.

And on King Shu's side, it hasn't been dealt with yet, and in addition to the current situation, the two brothers will have a fight sooner or later.

His good an ignorant temperament.

His eldest daughter, and...

Father Xue suddenly felt that he might be depressed too...


It turns out.

Father Xue's guess about Dihan City was completely correct.

Because, the next day.

Di Hancheng entered the general's mansion openly.

The purpose of    is also very simple: I have something to do with Miss Xue Er.

Father Xue, "..."

You big liar!

Trying to lie to my daughter again!

One more update, remember to vote~

Male protagonist: I, I brought something delicious! Daughter-in-law, look at me!

(end of this chapter)