Chapter 172: Tyrant's Coddle (22)

Chapter 172 The tyrant's coddle (22)

Di Hanshu was stunned for a moment.

It seems that she didn't expect her to say such a thing.

In fact, not only Di Hanshu, but Yue Xiao Wangye, Father Xue, and Di Hancheng didn't even think of it.

The little girl's claws are quite sharp?

Di Hanshu's explanation almost forced a smile, "Miss Xue, what you said is really hurtful, how could I use you?"

Cha Cha quickly refuted, with a calm tone.

"Why don't you take advantage of me? And I didn't do anything to you, how did I hurt you! So many people are watching, don't blame me!"

You are really bad!

So many people are watching, and they want to blame me and say I hurt you!

"I..." Di Hanshu was stunned by what she said out of the way, and was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

For a long time, he said, "You said I used you, then you said, what can I get by using you?

Besides, in terms of identity, the identity of this king is also worthy of you, and moreover, family background? Appearance? conduct? "

No matter which aspect, you can be worthy of it!

Cha Cha took a step back and glanced at him with special disgust, "You want to use me to get something, don't you have any idea in your heart? Do you want me to say it? If I say it, do you think you can leave the general today? the government?"

Like usurping the throne, rebelling...

These are said, I am afraid that I will not be able to go out.

Her direction was too clear, Di Hanshu almost subconsciously looked at Di Hancheng.

Do not……

is wrong.

Di Hancheng couldn't tell her these things, so how did she know?

He turned his eyes to Father Xue again... that's not right.

The extent to which Father Xue spoiled his daughter was well known, and Father Xue would never have told her about it.

So what does she mean?

Di Hanshu's whole person is not well.

Some things can't be said...

But, she threw a smoke bomb.

Chacha glanced at him impatiently, seeing that he was still immersed in his own thoughts, not knowing what he was thinking.

She frowned, took a few steps forward, and kicked the defenseless Di Hanshu to the ground.

"Since you don't take the initiative, then I'll take the initiative a little bit, it's just a betrothal token, you have to drag it..."

That's all, let me do it!

Immediately, Cha Cha bent down and squatted down, looking for a while in his arms.

Finally found an exquisite small box.

With a smile, he retracted his hand and looked at Father Xue, "Dad, do you think this is it?"

Father Xue, "..."

Di Hanshu, who was caught off guard by the kick, "..."

What just happened?


and many more!

Why is there anyone who grabs a betrothal in public? ? ?

Di Hanshu didn't come up in one breath. He got up from the ground and protested, "Miss Xue Er, you! You! How can you do this?"

"I just did this, what's wrong? You hit me!" Who made you want to go back slowly?

And this kind of thing, can you go back if you want to go back?

Father Xue's reaction was quite fast. He had already prepared the betrothal token. Seeing this, he immediately threw the betrothal token that he had placed with him to Di Hanshu.

"Well, the betrothal tokens have been returned separately, and the marriage is over."

"General Xue! This is inappropriate!" The gentleness on Di Hanshu's face couldn't hold back any longer, and he looked ruthless.

If this happened at another time, he could barely control his emotions.

But right now, Dihan City is also here!

Doesn't this make him a laughing stock?

Forced to dissolve the engagement? Where will he put his face in the future?

One more update, good night, please vote for it~

Today's Chacha is also a little clever ghost!

(end of this chapter)