Chapter 176: Tyrant's Coddle (26)

Chapter 176 The tyrant's coddle (26)

Xue Yanyue's embarrassed red eyes fell into Chacha's eyes, and she only felt very irritable.

The girl's family, how can you cry and cry casually?

But thinking of what Dad said before.

She had to be as gentle as possible.

Otherwise, it would be a hassle if someone vomited blood.

"Sister, just say something!"

Chacha said, pinching a piece of cake and stuffing it into his mouth.

Well, this taste is really, really good!


She forgot to make an appointment with Dihancheng next time!

No, for the cake, she...she has to take the initiative!

can't wait for Di Hancheng to find her.

Xue Yanyue looked at her innocent sister, and suddenly she couldn't say a word of what she wanted to say, as if she was stuck in her throat.

She lowered her eyes and wept alone.

was eating tea with pastries, "..." You, you, you, don't cry!

"Qiqi! I didn't do it! Why did she cry? It's so troublesome!" Why do so many people want to touch porcelain?

【Would you like to... make it clear? 】Maybe not cry.

Qiqi whispered suggestions.

Hey, it doesn't understand the complex emotions of human beings either.

It's really troublesome!

It is better to be a system.

Chacha thought for a while, "I think what you said, Qiqi, makes sense!"

So, next second.

Chacha looked at Xue Yanyue seriously, "Don't cry, are you going to tell me about Di Hanshu?

Di Hanshu and I have broken off our engagement, so... if you like him, sister, just like him, don't worry about me, anyway, I don't like him..."

Xue Yanyue was startled, her face suddenly flushed red.

"I...I'm not...I didn't, I, I..."

The girl's family's mind was suddenly brought out bluntly, and Xue Yanyue suddenly became incoherent, not knowing what to say.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, we are all sisters, just say it!

There is no need to cover up, and there are only the two of us here. I think it is better to explain some things in advance, so as to save many misunderstandings in the future. "

Cha Cha was particularly straightforward and looked at her frankly.

Xue Yanyue laughed at herself, her sister was so frank, if she kept secret, it would be too much to tell.

"I'm sorry, sister."


"Knowing that King Shu is your fiancé, I'm still attracted to him, I..."

"You are wrong, he is not my fiancé."

She doesn't want such a bad fiancé.

As for the sister in front of me, everything is fine, but she is a little blind.

Xue Yanyue lowered her eyes and wiped away tears, "I'm really sorry." Originally, she only planned to hide her thoughts from anyone, but she didn't expect that the marriage contract would change.

Her mind was discovered by her father, and there was a quarrel...

"Nothing sorry, who you like is your business and your own choice, but, in the same way, everyone has to pay for their choice.

Now that the matter is open, let’s just make it clear!

Di Hanshu, both my father and I feel that it is not suitable for you. As for why it is not suitable for you, you can think about it yourself, or discuss it with your father carefully.

Man, who hasn't been blind when he was young?

The most important thing is to keep your eyes open, or you will regret it for the rest of your life in the future.

As for persuading people, to be honest, I'm not very good at it. "I'm afraid to persuade you to cry...

Xue Yanyue looked at Cha Cha in a bewildered way, "..."

This...not very good at persuading people, she did hear it...


One more update.

Cha Cha: I really wouldn't persuade people! I don't know why, as soon as I speak, they either cry or vomit blood...

(end of this chapter)