Chapter 180: Tyrant's Pampering (30)

Chapter 180 The tyrant's coddle (30)

Chacha looked at Dihancheng's darkened face.

Listen to the unbridled laughter of Prince Yue and Daddy outside the carriage.

She always felt that she was a little uneasy.

She leaned over and gently pinched the fingertips she slapped.

"Why don't you speak? Is it okay to give it a slap? Can I give it another slap?"

The little girl looked serious and serious, and her voice was very soft.

Di Hancheng was so angry that his chest felt tight, but he was helpless.

She looks so good.

His sweet thoughts seemed to be a sin in front of her.

For a long time, he sighed, "It's very effective."

Chacha nodded with a subtle expression, "Qiqi...I'll just say, he's not smart, how can the wound not hurt after a slap? Doesn't he seem stupid!"

Qiqi, […Yes! He is stupid, Chacha, you are too smart! But we can't dismantle him, we have to save him some face and cooperate a little. 】

"Yes, yes, Qiqi, I think the same way, he said hush, then huff, he said it doesn't hurt, then it doesn't hurt."

Oh, Qiqi and her thoughts are exactly the same.

Qiqi tried very hard to hold back her laughter, trying her best not to let out too unbridled laughter.

Then, silently gave Di Hancheng a wax in his heart.

The road to chasing a wife is a long way to go!

Soon, Di Hancheng changed the subject, he took out a food box from behind and put it in front of Chacha.

"This is a cake I prepared for you. I didn't expect to meet you. Would you like to try it?"

As soon as she heard the cakes, Cha Cha immediately put the thought behind her, she stared at the delicate food box and nodded heavily, "Yeah!"

"Well, your pastry is better than what my father prepared."

Chacha took a bite and happily complimented.

She didn't speak much, but General Xue, who was always paying attention to the movement in the car, the smile on her face faded abruptly.

Ah! He's kidnapping his good daughter with cakes again!

Father Xue waved his hand and pulled Prince Yue Xiao who was standing in front of him aside. He turned over and got into the carriage.

When   Chacha saw him, he immediately squeezed another piece of cake and handed it over, "Daddy, try it!"

"Tsk, my daughter is so filial, she has something to eat, she thinks of me the first time!"

Father Xue took the cake proudly, and his eyes were full of pride.

He remembered very well that someone did not enjoy such good treatment.

Di Hancheng glanced at Father Xue expressionlessly, lowered his eyes and sighed, "I didn't eat."

Cha Cha squeezed the pastry for a while, and his face was full of surprise, "Ah? You haven't eaten yet? Then let's go to that restaurant to have a meal together, I invite you, just treat it as a thank you gift for giving me pastries... !"

She ate so many pastries from him in vain, so she had to invite him to dinner, otherwise she would be too embarrassed.

Thinking so, she touched the silver note in her arms and smiled.

A lot of silver notes, a lot of delicious food!

Her smiling brows and eyes are curved, and her charming little face is rouge, beautiful and delicate.

Inexplicably, Di Hancheng was a little jealous, he was jealous of the cakes she was holding in his hands.

very angry, very unhappy!

When she mentioned cakes, her eyes were full of cakes, and she had no status at all.

Di Hancheng's face sank the more he thought about it, he approached him like a ghost, and took a bite of the pastry in Chacha's hand.

"Well, it tastes good."

Cha Cha stared blankly at Dihan City, and then blankly at the cake with a big bite in his hand, "..."

dazed and overwhelmed…

In the second update, there is a wave of recommended tickets.

Male protagonist: Rounding up, my daughter-in-law fed me pastries. Today, I am more important than pastries!

(end of this chapter)