Chapter 185: Tyrant's Coddle (35)

Chapter 185 The tyrant's coddle (35)

Chacha opened his eyes again, an hour later.

"Qiqi, is Xue Yanyue gone?"

【Mmmm, you left after you fell asleep! 】

Originally, Xue Yanyue was thinking of continuing to talk after Chacha woke up.

Who knows, Cha Cha slept for an hour.

Xue Yanyue naturally did not have the patience to wait any longer.

"Oh, just go, it's annoying and noisy... The acting is also very poor!"

Chacha whispered again.

She thought that Xue Yanyue would have some brains, but she didn't expect that she and her father understood what they said, and she still didn't give up on that scumbag Di Hanshu?

is simply poisonous!

Qiqi, [...How do you know she doesn't give up on Di Hanshu? 】

Confused! Obviously, it has always been with Chacha, and no one has said this to Chacha.

"Qiqi, why don't you always come out and show your IQ?

Do a little bit of counting on your IQ. "

Silly Qiqi!

Qiqi, […] I, I suspect you are despising me! But I don't have enough evidence yet!

"She has always cared about who I met, isn't it obvious enough? Besides, how could she not know that I met Dihan City?

Several of her questions, linked together, are nothing more than trying to inquire about the specific relationship between me and Di Hancheng..."

I want to determine what step her relationship with Dihancheng has taken...

【Wait... Chacha, didn't you say you don't want to know what she's thinking? You, you, you, you have clearly seen through it! 】

Cha Cha said confidently, "I don't want to know, but her performance is too obvious, and there are too many loopholes, you can see it without using your brain!"

Do you think that everyone is like you, so simple things can't be seen?

After all, Xue Yanyue is nothing more than for Di Hanshu!

Di Hanshu, that scumbag man, couldn't use her, so he began to squeeze the soft persimmon Xue Yanyue...

Hmph, look down on him!

Despise him!

at the same time.

Shu Wangfu.

Di Hanshu frowned fiercely when he saw the news.

He said to the dark guard behind him, "Go and spread the word, Di Hancheng will also meet Xue Cha, let her find a chance to follow them when they meet! We must find a way to determine whether Xue Cha has anything to do with Di Hancheng. How important!"

Dark Guard, "Yes!"

Di Hanshu looked at the spring breeze in the garden, and the warm smile on his face had long since disappeared.

He is now restricted everywhere, and the appearance of Xue Cha seems to be just right!

If Xue Cha is very important to Di Hancheng, then he doesn't mind starting from Xue Cha!

When the time comes, don't blame him for being cruel!


Two days later.

The annual lantern festival is coming.

The whole city is very lively.

Beautiful lanterns can be seen everywhere, and there are various lanterns used to make wishes.

"Daddy, why are they all holding lanterns?"

Cha Cha pointed to several maids in the General's Mansion who were about to go together.

Father Xue was suddenly silent, "..."

This question, he said he did not know.

The lantern played at the girl's house, he is a big man, how can he ask?

"Miss, these lanterns are used to make wishes!" Hong Luo explained in a timely manner.


"Yeah, put your wish into the lantern, and then put the lantern on the lake. Anything that floats far away is likely to come true!"

"!!!" Wish! Cha Cha's eyes lit up, and he reached out and tugged at Father Xue's sleeve, "Dad, I, I want to play too!"

Father Xue was a little helpless, "This..."

"Ms. Xue Er? Putting lanterns? I'll accompany you with the imperial brother!" The younger prince came out from somewhere in high spirits.

Father Xue frowned fiercely and glared at him with a dark face, "Where did you come in from?"

This is the backyard of the General's Mansion! ! !


Three shifts.

General Xue: The big liar is here again! ! ! ! Want to kill him!

Ahhhh, the recommendation ticket is coming! Heartache!

(end of this chapter)