Chapter 204: Tyrant's Coddle (54)

Chapter 204 Tyrant's Pampering (54)

Di Hancheng's expression was subtle.

He noticed her words, a bag of candied fruit?

Here comes the question.

What about two packs? Three packs?

Plus a bunch of goodies…

Are you sure you won't leave him directly?

Cha Cha also sighed, to be honest, she really didn't understand.

Why Di Hancheng always has trouble with her candied fruit.

After struggling for a few seconds, she decided that it would be better to ask.

Otherwise, you should guess and guess later, which is very troublesome...

"Did the candied fruit offend you? You can't live with it every day?"

She blinked and looked at Di Hancheng with doubts.

Di Hancheng, "...I didn't offend me."

"Then why?" Cha Cha became even more puzzled.

I didn't offend you, but you still can't live with it every day?

Di Hancheng was half sad, half helpless and sighed, "Cha Cha? Don't you think our topic has gone astray again?

What I'm asking is, in your eyes, me and candied fruit, which is more important?

instead of candied fruit did not offend me. "

After all, I just eat the candied fruit, how could I offend me?

Does it have the guts?

Candied Fruit: Then why are you cheeky compared to me?

Chacha, "...But, as I said just now, you are more important than candied fruit!"

I said it all, you still keep mentioning candied fruit, it was you who looked like you would never die with candied fruit, so I just asked it out, okay?

Di Hancheng was in hot pursuit, "Is it more important than all candied fruit?"

"... um." Cha Cha nodded.

Don't ask her why she nodded, she was afraid that if she didn't nod, someone looked at her with hurt eyes again.

"Really?" He was a little reluctant to believe that he had easily defeated the candied Di Hancheng, and asked again.

Finally, Cha Cha's patience was worn down a lot.

"Really! It's more real than real gold! You are more important than candied fruit, and all candied fruit can't compare to you! Dihan City, are you satisfied now?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied!"

Dihan City, who finally drove the candied fruit down, was filled with joy.

Chacha, "..." You are so stupid.

There is no candied fruit, I still have cakes... sweet-scented osmanthus cake, hibiscus cake, cloud cake, thousand layer cake...

Anyway, she really didn't want to understand why Di Hancheng was chasing candied fruit.

Look at the situation where he insists on asking for an answer, then let him be...

Qiqi, who knew the truth, […………]

Sorry, I, I want to laugh for a while, and feel sorry for Dihancheng for three seconds.

Miserable, why is such a miserable word?


Di Hancheng ordered people to put all the food prepared in the imperial kitchen.

Chacha's eyes shine.

is indeed many, many times better than the General’s!

looks full of color, fragrance, and flawless at all!

at the same time.

This evening.

The maids and eunuchs in the palace all spread such news in private.

Di Hancheng, who is not close to women, has a violent temper, is cold and fierce, and is dubbed as a tyrant, has a delicate and beautiful little girl in his bedroom...

It’s just that the news has been passed on, and it has changed in the end.

The next day.

In the early morning.

A minister carefully inquired about the harem of Dihan City.

And Di Hancheng didn't have a cold face as usual, but instead had a smug look on his face, obviously in a good mood.

Seeing his smug look, General Xue, "…………"

Oh, in my heart, you have been beaten to death by me! ! !


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What's up~Good night~

(end of this chapter)