Chapter 206: Tyrant's Coddle (56)

Chapter 206 The tyrant's coddle (56)

Locked up?

"Your idea is really good."

Di Hancheng praised without hesitation.

Hearing this, Di Han Yue looked at Di Han City with joy.

Being praised by his royal brother is really not easy!

Sure enough, the appearance of the little cutie made his royal brother change a lot, and he was a little gentler, not as cold and violent as before.

However, the next second, he heard someone's cold words.

"Do you know why you can't meet fools? Because as soon as you speak, you scare people away!"

No fool wants you.

After the words were finished, Di Hancheng turned around and left. He wanted to go back to the dormitory to see Cha Cha, but after a while, he always felt empty in his heart.

Di Han, who stayed in place, was stunned for a while.

After he realized what Di Hancheng's words meant, he stamped his feet in anger, so angry!

What did he say wrong?

Was he disliked for his idea? ? ?

What's wrong with locking people up? Save yourself the hassle!

Di Han felt more depressed the more he thought about it...



Cha Cha looked at a table of food, and then looked at a bunch of maids next to her, a little confused.

But this feeling seems pretty good?

She pointed at a dish, and someone immediately served her a dish!

Hey, these young ladies are so nice!

Qiqi, […I, I want to eat too. 】

Indistinctly, there seems to be the sound of Qiqi swallowing saliva.

Chacha immediately explained seriously, "Qiqi, you are a system, as a system, you must be conscious of not being able to eat."

Qiqi, […………] I’m autistic.

Immediately afterwards, Cha Cha thought about it for a while, and quickly added, "Oh, Qiqi, of course, if you can climb out to eat someday, I will definitely give you a lot of delicious food, don't worry, don't be autistic. what!"

Autistic Qiqi, 【? ? ? 】I feel like I'm more autistic?

When   Di Hancheng walked in, he saw the little girl who was eating happily. Her beautiful eyes were full of light, and her pretty little face was flushed, looking moist and watery.

especially want to... take a bite.

Maybe his eyes were too straightforward, Cha Cha turned his head and saw a man standing not far away walking towards her against the light.

"Dihan City? You're back, come over for dinner!"

As if he didn't have breakfast, he went to the morning court, hard work!

She stared straight at Dihan City, who was approaching, but did not notice that the palace maids standing around were already in a mess.


What did they just hear?

This...the second Miss Xue called the emperor's name?

This is a disrespectful sin!

How dare you be so bold?

Even if the emperor pets her again, he can't be without a little brain, right?

How could the emperor's violent temper tolerate her?

Several palace maids lowered their heads one after another, not daring to make a sound, trying to reduce their sense of existence, for fear of being accidentally implicated, they secretly said in their hearts: Second Miss Xue is finished!

for a moment.

Di Hancheng walked to Cha Cha and touched her head with a gentle expression, "Are you satisfied with the things in front of you?"

Cha Cha nodded, "Satisfied."

"However, it's boring for me to eat alone. Come with me!"

Although Qiqi occasionally whispered a few words in her ear, Qiqi couldn't climb out and accompany her to dinner.

"Well, I will accompany you from now on." Di Hancheng's expression was so gentle that he could almost melt the ice and snow.

's voice was full of nostalgia. He took advantage of the situation to sit beside Cha Cha, glanced at the palace maid standing beside him, and said coldly, "Go back!"

A group of palace maids left the dormitory, but they didn't realize what happened.

It took them a long time to realize that the scene just now was real.

The emperor who has the title of tyrant has such a gentle side...

(end of this chapter)