Chapter 220: Su Shao's little fairy (1)

Chapter 220 Su Shao's Little Fairy (1)

Peach blossoms are so beautiful that their petals flutter in the wind.

Chacha opened his eyes and saw this scene.

This time, she calmly found a place to sit down.

Then, I fumbled around on my body.

found a package of candied fruit.

She lowered her eyes and stuffed one into her mouth as usual.

For a long time, she said feebly.

"Qiqi, the candied fruit is no longer sweet..."

【Chacha, don’t be unhappy, we will meet him again. 】

Qiqi felt extra heartache when she saw Cha Cha like this.

It's Chacha should have a bright and moving smile at all times, how could it see the loneliness on her face?


Cha Cha pouted and stuffed two more candied fruits into his mouth.

"Wo, wow is, I suddenly remembered that I still owe Dihan City a reward."

Well, the candied fruit is still not sweet enough.

She looked at the remaining candied fruit, carefully repackaged it and put it back in her arms.

There is only so much left, save some food.

Although it's not sweet, it was given to her by Di Hancheng.

It seems that apart from this package of candied fruit, she has no other contact with him before...

Chacha only felt more and more pain in his heart.

She frowned, "Qiqi, hurry up and enter the next plane, I'm uncomfortable."

【it is good! 】

【By the way, Chacha, your wish to put lanterns on the previous plane will be fulfilled in the next plane! 】

"Huh? Really?"

【real! 】

Chacha's gloomy mood finally warmed up a bit.

Rich second generation! Or the rich generation!

Anyway, it's the super super rich kind!


Cha Cha stared at the very primitive surroundings in a stunned manner, and suddenly became stunned.

"Qiqi? Are you sure this is the rich second generation, not the negative second generation???"

A bed, a desk, a computer, and a few other devices she didn't understand.

And then... it's gone?

Gone? ? ?

She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes in disbelief. She opened her eyes again, and found that the environment in front of her remained unchanged. She was reluctantly certain that she was indeed not dreaming.

"Seven Seven???"

Cha Cha had a dark face and shouted again.

Qiqi, who was also stunned, said tremblingly, [Tea, Chacha, wait for me to check, logically speaking, you shouldn't make such a mistake. 】

Chacha, "Oh, I'm waiting for you to explain."

Three minutes later.

Qiqi calmed down.

【Chacha, you are indeed a rich second-generation in this plane, there is no problem with your identity, and your family is also very rich, but the original owner fell out with the family...]

Chacha, "..." Can I change the system?

[Wow, Chacha, this really has nothing to do with me, I, I am super aggrieved! 】

"...Okay, then let's receive the plot and let me see if I can go home and get the money!"

【Mmmmmmm! 】

Qiqi knew that he was wrong, and quickly transmitted the plot.

The original main season tea, the eldest lady of the Ji family.

The Ji family is among the wealthy families in City A. It is not particularly prestigious, but it can be regarded as a famous family.

is not comparable to ordinary giants.

To put it simply, the Ji family lacks everything, that is, money.

Ji Cha has been raised very well since childhood, and has never suffered or suffered any grievances.

Until this year.

The Ji family suddenly asked her to marry another person she didn't know.

Jicha couldn't accept it, so he had a quarrel with his family.

The quarrel was fierce, Ji Cha got angry and left Ji's house...

And Ji's mother, the means are also tough enough to directly freeze all the property under Ji Cha's name.

Chacha, "???"

So I am penniless now?

Why am I so miserable?

Recommended tickets to go!

(end of this chapter)