Chapter 228: Su Shao's little fairy (9)

Chapter 228 Su Shao's Little Fairy (9)

Su Huan's originally not-so-good complexion turned black instantly.

She hasn't talked to him much.

Now you want to leave him and talk to someone else?

Oh, are you trying to **** him off?

Watching her start the live broadcast.

Su Huan had to back away temporarily, sat across from Cha Cha, took out her phone, turned it to mute, and found her live broadcast room.

squatted quietly.

Chacha looked at the barrage happily and found that the barrage was harmonious.

Most were surprised that a little fairy suddenly appeared on the live broadcast platform.

【xxxx: What the hell? Where is this little fairy from? 】

[xx: I clicked in accidentally, but I was addicted to beauty...]

[xxxx: What's going on upstairs? Didn't you see the little girl was young? Don't be afraid, sister, brother is here to help you beat the bad guys! 】

When I saw that sentence to help her beat the bad guys.

Cha Cha smiled at the barrage and said seriously, "You don't need to help me beat the bad guys, I can do it myself, I'm very good!"

Bai Nen's small hands made a fist gesture in front of the camera.

's charming little face is full of seriousness.

Suddenly, there was another earth-shattering shout above the barrage.

【xxxxx: Ahhhhh, the smile is too sweet! This is the little fairy Benxian! 】

[xxxx: I can't help but laugh, there are too many bad people here! 】

【xxx: Little fairy, hide your face! Don't let other people see you! Such a prosperous beauty must be locked! 】

Su Huan's face was terrifyingly dark.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the barrages on the screen, and felt more and more that she was not suitable for live broadcast.

The little girl is ignorant and doesn't know much about anything.

He frowned, exited the live broadcast room, and sent a text message.


Clicked the gift page again.

While Cha Cha was watching the barrage, suddenly, a bunch of gifts appeared on her screen.

Beautiful fireworks exploded in her live room.

She was taken aback.

looked at the fireworks that popped up suddenly.

"This is a gift?"

【Ah, ah, Cha Cha, you have made a fortune! 】


【A firework is a lot of money, just wait for the money! 】

Chacha's eyes lit up, "!!!" Got it.

Chacha, who understood in seconds, immediately smiled at the screen, "Thank you for this... little brother's gift?"

This little brother who gave a reward has only one letter in his account name, [C]? ? ?



She stared blankly at the screen, looking not very smart.

However, in the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room, the little girl is more and more soft and cute.

Hey, the little fairy was smashed by a gift?

A firework is 10,000 yuan, [C] is a little bit of money.

But on this platform, there are so many tens of thousands of people who just drop it, nothing worth remembering.


Next second.

It was like a chain reaction, and many people suddenly sent gifts.

The live broadcast room is getting more and more lively.

Cha Cha thanked him with a smile on his face.

The face of Su Huan opposite her was as cold as ice.

Su Huan stared at his phone and glanced at his account.

Oh, it was my first time giving gifts in the live broadcast room, and I had no experience.

Thirty seconds later.

Chacha's live broadcast room suddenly stopped.

One after another golden fireworks bloomed in her live broadcast room, even the live broadcast room of the entire platform.

The amount of golden fireworks is large, which is a symbol of gifts in the live broadcast platform. Anyone who lights up golden fireworks will emit special effects in the live broadcast room of the entire platform.

That is to say, the moment when this golden firework lights up.

Not only the viewers in the Chacha live broadcast room saw it, but even in the entire platform, everyone who watched the live broadcast also saw it!

And, it's not scary.

The scary thing is... the golden fireworks in the Chacha live room are not one, but dozens of them are blooming continuously!

(end of this chapter)