Chapter 230: Su Shao's little fairy (11)

Chapter 230 Su Shao's Little Fairy (11)

Suddenly, someone mentioned it on the barrage.

[xx: I remember the live broadcast at noon, I fell asleep at tea, and then a man came over to help her turn off the live broadcast. Although I didn't see her face, she was in good shape by visual inspection. 】

Chacha facing the screen.

thought about it for a while, then raised his eyes and glanced at Su Huan opposite him, looking up and down.

Well, he looks quite tall.

has a slender figure and a cool temperament.

Immediately afterwards, she pointed at the screen word by word, "He is my man."

You don't have to worry about it!

The words came out.

For a moment, the barrage on the entire screen was silent.

Leng was eerily calm for a few seconds.

Then, someone frantically brushed the barrage.

danmaku is basically polarized.

One side screamed wildly:

【xxx: ah ah ah ah! No, I won't allow you to have a boyfriend so soon! 】

[xxxx: Little cutie, look at me, look at me, I just fell in love for a minute, so I was so caught off guard? 】

【x: Where is your conscience? won't you be in pain? I came to watch the live broadcast, not to eat dog food! 】

The other party:

Relatively speaking, a little sober.

[xxx: You just appeared in the live broadcast room, so you admitted it so bluntly? 】

[xxxx: Fairy Benxian, I think you are stupid...]

At the same time, there are many anchors who have not left the live broadcast room.

looked at this young girl with a stunned expression, with a complicated inner circle.

"...I've never seen such a quick confession of love!"

Is this a live broadcast or a show of affection?

Forget it, stop squatting in her live broadcast room.

She is really beautiful and immortal, but when she came up and announced that she had a boyfriend, who would come to play in her live broadcast room after that?

Cut, the little girl is young and has never seen the world.

Thinking of this, many anchors retreated one after another, and the little girl should not be afraid.

Maybe the mysterious boss [C] in her live broadcast room will leave because of this wave of operations.

After all, who would watch over a streamer with a boyfriend?

Thirty seconds later.

Golden fireworks light up the entire live broadcast platform again.

The anchors, "…………"

This kind of person is so stupid and rich, can you give me one?

A silly white sweet anchor, a foolish and mysterious boss with a lot of money.

Where did these two come from?

is a perfect match…

Looking at the barrage of tea and golden fireworks, she raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, feeling a little dazed.

Although she doesn't know how much money she can get after this wave of gifts.

But, she can be sure that these golden fireworks are worth a lot.

You can see it directly from the barrage.

After being sluggish for a few seconds, she whispered, "That... Big Brother C? Are you sure these gifts are not wrong? Would you like to calm down first?"

That serious and cute look made him laugh out loud on the funny barrage.

Audience: Watch Silly Baitian's online anchor who dislikes people, stupid and mysterious boss! ! !

People stupid Qianduo Su Huan, "..." He is sober now.

He doesn't need to be calm either.

He just wanted to bring the little fool who was a few steps away from him and give him a good lesson.

gave her money, but she still despised him?

Su Huan frowned, swiped another wave of golden fireworks, and successfully became the first place on the gift list of the live broadcast platform, and then gave up.

This wave of **** operations.

caused many anchors and onlookers to scream wildly.

And the mysterious boss C and the little fairy Chacha have successfully dominated the live broadcast platform...


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Shao Su: I don't lack anything, I only lack my daughter-in-law.

(end of this chapter)