Chapter 237: Su Shao's little fairy (18)

Chapter 237 Su Shao's Little Fairy (18)

Ji Yan quietly looked at Cha Cha for a while.

Soon, a reasonable explanation was found.

Guess it's because she suddenly fell from the position of the little princess of the Ji family to the current situation.

I feel a lot of pressure in my heart, which leads to a bad mood.

Thinking about it, even she can't accept this kind of gap.

Thinking of this, Ji Yan felt that Chacha's abnormality was reasonable and normal.

"Chacha, don't worry, auntie, my dad and I will persuade her well. As for marriage, don't worry, anyway, auntie is for your own good. After a few days, the anger subsides. , you go back and have a good chat with your aunt.

I believe that Auntie is not the kind of person who is not friendly. As long as you speak well, there must be room for manoeuvre in the matter of marriage. "

Ji Yan smiled and comforted her, trying her best to interpret the character of a good sister to the fullest.


Chacha just glanced at her lightly, and didn't even want to give her a look.

This statement is full of loopholes.

I don't know how the original owner was so miserable by Ji Yan.

She lowered her eyes and took out a candy from her pocket. Just like before, she peeled off the candy wrapper and stuffed the candy into her mouth.

After a while.

She then looked at Ji Yan.

"I don't need you to say anything more about the matter between me and my mother. I know in my heart, Ji's family, I will go back, how those daily necessities were originally placed, you'd better put them back as they are.

Didn't I tell you that I hate people who mess with my things without my consent? Impolite! "

Ji Yan's face changed instantly.

She, who was able to force a smile or an embarrassing smile, had a very ugly face at that time.

Her voice was almost crying, "Chacha, what do you mean by that? I, I haven't done anything to hurt you, why did you suddenly say this?"

Chacha, "..." is really a lot of nonsense.

She said it so clearly, why did she pay it back?

"Have you done it or not, don't you know in your heart?"

Cha Cha impatiently dropped these words, turned around and was about to leave, suddenly as if thinking of something, she paused again, and looked back at Ji Yan, who had never had time to take back the resentment in her eyes.

"By the way, you'd better stop sending people to monitor me, stay away from me, and your people are really stupid and don't know how to hide at all."

is exposed clearly and clearly.

Ji Yan, "???" Am I special?

Just sent someone to watch you today, and you came to tell me these words?

Ji Yan only felt that the whole person was not well.

Her mood is completely unsettled now.

"I didn't, I..." She tried to explain in vain, but was interrupted mercilessly by Cha Cha.

"I understand what I said so clearly, how else do you think you can explain it?

Isn't there only one layer of window paper left?

Now, let me tell you plainly, I pierced the window paper, so don't provoke me, and don't bother me. "

Cha Cha dropped these words, turned around and left without looking back, his back was neat and tidy.

Ji Yan stayed where she was, as if dumbfounded.

The scene just now, she couldn't imagine even in a dream, it would develop into the current situation.

Obviously she and Chacha haven't seen each other for a few days.

It has changed so much?

is like a different person.

However, it is still the same person, that face.

Could it be that you can really understand a lot of things in a few days? And thoroughly see through it?

Ji Yan shivered suddenly... I always felt that many things were out of control.

No, she must hurry back and discuss with her father what to do next.


Add more, remember to vote, good night~

Su Huan: Why don't you let me play! !

Chacha: Good, I can solve it~

(end of this chapter)