Chapter 239: Su Shao's little fairy (20)

Chapter 239 Su Shao's Little Fairy (20)

Chu Li looked at Su Huan's serious thinking, and his emotions were slightly complicated.

This...I don't know who is stupid.

After all, he had never seen Su Huan like this before.

For a little girl...

breaks all principles.

I don't know if this time is lucky or unfortunate.


The next day was slightly brighter.

Su Huan asked people to prepare breakfast.

When the car is parked downstairs.

Su Huan sat in the car and did not rush out of the car.

He took out his mobile phone and called Cha Cha with joy.

was going to ask her if she got up.

If he hasn't gotten up yet, then he will go upstairs to find her later.

After ten seconds.

Su Huan was stunned.

He stared blankly at his cell phone, listening to the strange female voice coming from the cell phone.


His face full of joy instantly turned black.

He had a dark face, and could not wait to pinch the phone in his hand to pieces.

That look, who didn't know it, thought it was abandoned.

Chu Li was nestled beside him, not daring to say a word.

didn’t know what was going on and didn’t dare to ask.

For fear that Su Huan, who was angry, would do something terrible in a fit of rage.

"your phone."

The icy voice suddenly sounded, and Chu Li was stunned.


"Mobile phone!" Su Huan repeated again.

Chu Li's brain crashed for a few seconds, and he quickly reacted and handed him his mobile phone.

When Su Huan took Chu Li's mobile phone and dialed Chacha's mobile phone number, and after calling, Su Huan finally realized, "..."

My mobile phone number was blocked by Chacha...


Soon, the call was connected.

Chacha's soft voice sounded, "Hello?"

Su Huan, "...Are you up yet?" He tried his best to restrain his emotions.

for fear of accidentally scaring her.

The dizzy Chacha took a long time to reply, "Not yet, you..."

For fear that Chacha would say "Who are you", Su Huan immediately took the lead, "I'm Su Huan."

Chacha, "..." Su Huan.

Su Huan is just Su Huan, is there something wrong?

Su Huan gritted his teeth and reminded, "I brought you breakfast and your favorite candy. If you don't want it, I'll leave now."

Cha Cha, who was still awake before, woke up instantly when he heard that sentence.

"Ahhh! Don't go, don't go, come up quickly!" I'll get up now!

Chacha is crazy to keep.

Su Huan, who got Chacha's voice to keep him, hooked the corner of his lips in satisfaction.

He returned Chu Li's phone and got out of the car with a smile on his face.

Before    left, he specially warned, "Don't drive around here any more these days."

Chu Li, "???"

"Wait? Don't go, what do you mean? I don't understand." Chu Li was tired.

Changed it to other things, maybe he and Su Huan still had a little tacit understanding and knew what Su Huan wanted to do.

But now, looking at Su Huan who is in love...

He had no idea what Su Huan would do in the next second to shock the two of them.

Su Huan turned his head and spoke earnestly.

"You don't need to understand."

Chu Li, "..." I'm so special...

Chu Li almost didn't catch his breath, hehe! A man in love is scary!

He watched Su Huan go upstairs without turning his head.

Holding the breakfast carefully with both hands.

looks like, I don't know, I thought I was carrying some valuables.

Chu Li felt more and more that Su Huan was possessed...

He shook his head and sighed and drove away. Just as he started the car, he suddenly realized something.

He seemed to get Su Huan's idea.

This is because the phone number was blocked, so are you going to attack that soft girl directly?

(end of this chapter)