Chapter 245: Su Shao's little fairy (26)

Chapter 245 Su Shao's Little Fairy (26)

Chu Li watched for a while.

After sensing someone's death stare, he silently retracted his gaze.

and then began to sigh in the bottom of my heart.

Since ancient times, most business marriages are not very happy.

Many people are very resistant.

But the vast majority of people can't beat the family and have to compromise.

Tsk, what's the matter, how lucky are you when you arrive at Su Huan?

The business marriage actually made a good marriage?

He shook his head and sighed, probably this is life!

Chacha glanced at Chu Li quietly, then leaned close to Su Huan's ear and whispered, "Your friend looks...a little dumb?"

Originally wanted to say he was stupid, but... Cha Cha thinks it's better to be more euphemistic.

Su Huan, who had a cold face, immediately laughed out loud when he heard this.

Well, that's great, in the eyes of his daughter-in-law, other than him, maybe everyone else is a little dumb?

He stretched out his hand, took out a lollipop from his pocket and placed it in Chacha's palm, "Chacha is right, reward you!"

chacha, “…”

She put the candy back in her pocket and covered it tightly.

When    bowed his head, he beeped softly.

"Take the reward I gave, and reward me..." Ha! man!

Su Huan, "..."

Chu Li, "..."

Do you think we can't hear you if you lower your voice?

Chu Li looked back at Su Huan.

Sure enough, Su Huan's face was not quite right, tsk, Su Shao also had a day when he was disliked.

Su Huan seriously reflected.

He decided... at this moment, it is better to be quiet and not speak.

At the same time, he plans to... in the future, his pockets will be filled with various flavors of candy, so that... he doesn't have to be rejected.

It's almost time for Ji's house.

Cha Cha turned his head to look at Su Huan, his emotions were very complicated.

Suddenly, she sighed, staring at Su Huan helplessly, "You are here waiting for me, don't run around!"

When the words were over, she put the candy in her pocket into Su Huan's palm again.

Chu Li, who took this scene into his eyes, "..." How many scenes are you going to give back and forth with a lollipop?

Can't tear the candy wrapper and eat it in your stomach? ? ?

So speechless!

Forget it, he doesn't understand these men and women who are in love.

Before   Cha Cha got off the bus, he reassured him twice.

stunned Chu Li with a speechless expression.

No matter what Chacha said, Su Huan looked quiet and obedient. That scene was strangely cruel.

is like: a little white rabbit and a big-tailed wolf... the big-tailed wolf is also very cooperative with wagging its tail...

The most important thing is...Little White Rabbit, are you really not afraid that the big tail wolf will take you back to the wolf's den and eat it alive?

Thinking about that scene for a while, Chu Li felt terrible.

Unfortunately, the two continued to talk nonsense.

I don’t know where the tea came from so much, I have to explain it.

I don't know when Su Shao, a big man, became a three-year-old child.

can't figure it out... Anyway, he's in a panic now and eats too much dog food.

Another moment passed.

Cha Cha explained everything to be explained, then waved his hand and got out of the car.

Su Huan's expression was gentle and dripping, "Chacha, don't worry, I will wait for you here forever, and I won't go anywhere until you come back."

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, and a messy fragment flashed in his mind.

She wanted to grab it, but disappeared in an instant.

is like an illusion.

Suddenly, she regained her senses and nodded at Su Huan, her voice soft, "Well, wait for me."


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(end of this chapter)