Chapter 275: Su Shao's little fairy (56)

Chapter 275 Su Shao's Little Fairy (56)

After telling the story and listening to the story, Su Huan had a very complicated mood.

On the other hand, after listening to the story and telling the story, Cha Cha went to sleep in a very good mood.

Su Huan, "..." Who said the little cutie is so coaxing? ? ?

The next morning.

Su Huan got up early.

He glanced at Cha Cha, who was not good enough in the bed, and his heart was about to melt.


His face changed, he turned and walked out of the room to the balcony.

Jiang Qiaoyan's cell phone number, he had already memorized it in his mind, dialed the number, and went straight in.

"Mrs. Ji, today, the tea party will go with me to collect the certificate."

Jiang Qiaoyan at the other end was obviously taken aback.

Immediately, there was a surge of anger.

She didn't expect that Su Huan actually changed places with Cha Cha!

No matter how she inquired, she couldn't find any useful information.

Call Chacha, Chacha's mobile phone has long been turned off, and no one can be contacted at all.

She was so angry that she almost rushed into the Su family to have someone.

It's better now, take the initiative to contact me, that's what I said when I first came up.


With my consent?

"Young Master Su, you like my daughter, I can understand, but now you are abducting people without a word, and after the abduction, tell me to get the certificate? Do you think I will agree?"

Su Huan sneered, his eyes seemed to be surging.

"What does it have to do with me whether you agree or not? I said I didn't ask for your opinion, but to inform you, Mrs. Ji, do you understand what I mean?"

Jiang Qiaoyan was instantly flushed with anger at his defiant words, the hand holding the phone was so hard that his fingertips almost turned white.

"Su Huan! Don't deceive people too much! My daughter's marriage, I can naturally decide!"

Su Huan's eyes were suddenly cold, and his tone was full of sarcasm.

"Yeah, Mrs. Ji can really call the shots.

It's just that I'm deceiving people too much, or Madam Ji you're deceiving people too much. Shouldn't you know better than anyone else?

That day, in front of Chacha, I took care of her and didn't say anything.

Mrs. Keji really thinks that what she has done can be hidden from the sky?

She refused to marry, so you cut off all her financial resources, just to force her back? It's just that Ji Yan stepped in.

Of course, let’s not talk about this for the time being.

Just ask Mrs. Ji, what did you do when the Su family also reported that I refused to marry? Do you dare to say it? "

Jiang Qiaoyan's blushing face suddenly turned pale, "..."

"It's okay, I'll tell you for you, Mrs. Ji, you found several other wealthy houses in City A overnight.

I decided to send Chacha over there.

Um? Is she a cargo? Which one sees her and sells her to whom?

Oh, by the way, we can also talk about the price. If several companies like it at the same time, then which one has more money will send it to?

Mrs. Ji is really amazing! "

Su Huan sneered.

"Why did you suddenly change your mind later?

It's just because you know that I live with her, and you know the few homes you're looking for, none of them can compare to my Su family!

Jiang Xiaoyan said, the Su family will give you what you want.

But you, stay away from her, your shady tricks, from now on, don't use them on her again.

You don't hurt her, I will. "

For a long time, Jiang Qiaoyan, who had been silent, said one word, "Okay."

Su Huan hung up the phone without hesitation.

Jiang Qiaoyan didn't know, when he found the information, he wanted to strangle her to death.

If he was one step later, he could hardly imagine what would happen next.

But it doesn't matter, for the rest of his life, his little cutie will be hurt by him.


Weekly recommendation ticket 41000 plus update chapter~

The next time the chapter will be updated when the weekly recommendation ticket is 47,000~ ah ah~ rushing duck.

There are two more normal updates at night~

Friendly reminder: The little cutie who hasn't started school can speed up her homework~ Hahahahahaha~ Come on~

(end of this chapter)