Chapter 291: Your Highness, I am super good (4)

Chapter 291 Your Highness, I am super good (4)

After a while, seeing Chacha didn't mean to get up.

Qiqi asked in surprise, 【? ? ? Chacha, are you not eating? 】

Cha Cha pouted and looked aggrieved, "...I also have requirements for food. Look, this dish doesn't taste good at first glance, and it's far from the lunch meal!"

If it doesn't taste good, it doesn't taste good. Even if you eliminate me and kick me out of the palace, it still won't taste good!

【But, you will be hungry...】

Qiqi said uncertainly, uh... I always feel that Cutie is thinking about things she doesn't know.

Not long after, the **** came in to clean up the dishes, and when he saw that the food had not been moved, his expression changed slightly, and then he carefully backed out.

The door was closed.

Cha Cha sat up from the bed.

"Qiqi, show the way!"

Qiqi, […………] What am I…

Alas, there is no way, my host must be pampered, not to mention, it is still a host who has not eaten.

It hurts!

Prince is too human.

Actually want to eliminate candidates with unpalatable meals?

After a stick of incense.

Cha Cha was stunned.

"Qiqi, didn't you say you can show the way? Why did you show the wrong way? Where's the kitchen? I didn't see it!"

Qiqi is a very guilty explanation.

【…I, I don’t know what happened, I just pointed it according to the map. 】

Chacha, " go and keep autistic!"

Said that the good guide is the best in the world?

You can blow hard!

She sighed and took a few steps forward, looking around as she walked.

Chacha found that it seemed that the more he went, the more wrong it was, the more remote and desolate it was... and the candlelight around was gradually dimmed, not as bright as it was when it came.

She paused and turned around in a daze, "...Qiqi, are you responsible for bringing me back to my residence?"

Qiqi, [I'm sorry, I...I...]

Qiqi couldn't go on, and cried with a wow.

chacha, “…”

Forget it, I'm going by myself, I can't count on Qiqi.

Heart hurts.

I'm just a little cutie who wants to go to the kitchen to find something to eat, why are you making it so difficult for me?


The next stick of incense.

Chacha circled around here and around, but couldn't find his way back.


Depressed, she found a step and sat down.

He rested his chin in his hand, with a look of resentment on his face.

"Qiqi, I'm Lu Chi, do you know?"

Qiqi, [...I, I...] Qiqi, who just spit out a word, cried again with a wow.

Chacha, "???" Can I pull you out and beat you?

What about the good deal?

What about the halo?

Of course, these are not the key, the key is that I did nothing, why are you crying again?

Those who didn’t know thought I was abusing the system…

Oh, it's so hard!

Qiqi was extremely guilty, and wanted to explain but dared not explain.

can only cry alone.

While crying, he whispered: It's coming soon, wait a little longer, it will come...

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at the moon for a while.

I plan to rest for a while and then find my way back.


A cold voice came from behind itself, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The sudden voice made Cha Cha startled.

She turned her head back in astonishment, only to see the man staring at her.

The man has a slender figure, and his face is naturally excellent, as if it was carefully carved, without any flaws.

Cha Cha bit her lip, lowered her head and lowered her eyes.

whispered to Qiqi beep.

"Why is he so tall every time? I'm miserable and pitiful?"


Update two chapters in the early morning, I think I am super hardworking~

Add a new chapter when the weekly recommendation ticket is 16000~

(end of this chapter)