Chapter 293: Your Highness, I am super good (6)

Chapter 293 Your Highness, I am super good (6)

Mo Xinghuan was almost laughed at.

Dislike his hand and distance himself from him?

Ah, very good.

Immediately, he turned around and quickened his pace.

Chacha, "!!!"

Why are you walking so fast all of a sudden?

stared blankly for a few seconds, the man had already distanced himself from her.

Chacha panicked and ran towards Mo Xinghuan, muttering softly as he ran.

"Why are you walking so fast all of a sudden? Want to get rid of me? Cheapskate!"

The man in front of him did not stop because of Cha Cha's messy footsteps, nor did he slow down, but instead walked faster and faster.

His internal strength is very good, so he can hear the little girl whispering.

He is stingy?

Well, then be stingy and show her.

Thinking about it, it feels a little weird.

He actually had nothing to do, standing in the dark watching her go round and round?

Seeing her like a poor little girl, because she couldn't find the way, when she was sitting on the steps alone, she ran out to show her the way?

Why doesn't he know that he still has the "kindness"?

Hearing the footsteps that gradually followed, the corner of his lips twitched, turning around again like a ghost, and took a step to the left.

The next moment.

Chacha banged into Mo Xinghuan's arms.

Seven Seven, 【! ! ! ! 】Beast ah ah ah ah!

It was probably a question of strength, Cha Cha fell backwards unsteadily, and almost subconsciously stretched out his hands to wrap around the man's neck.

Chacha, "'s dangerous."

Fortunately, she reacted quickly. While lying in Mo Xinghuan's arms, she tilted her head and glanced back.

If this falls, it will definitely fall and scream.

Mo Xinghuan's lips twitched, in a very good mood.

After a while, it was back to normal.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the little girl's cheek that was close at hand.

There was a gleam of determination in his eyes.

As if the hunter saw the prey in the dark night.

Cha Cha stood firm, retracted his hand, and let go of Mo Xinghuan.

She thought, blah blah, blah, blah, blah and said to him, and after her eyes touched his dark ink eyes, she silently swallowed back.

never mind.

For him, this is their first meeting!

She has to rely on him to take her out, but she can't offend her casually!

His watery eyes rolled, and his voice was soft and delicate.

" don't stop and go, it's dangerous."

Mo Xinghuan glanced at her with a half-smile, not knowing what to think, he raised his hand slightly, "How about you take me with you?"

Chacha is still thinking about dinner, so he can't waste too much time here.

She nodded, "Okay!"

Slim and slender fingers casually landed on Mo Xinghuan's wide sleeves.

"Well, let's go, you have to lead the way quickly!"

The man looked down at his sleeves, and a trace of loss quickly flashed across his eyes, sleeves? All he wants is to hold hands...

Looking at the little girl's sparkling eyes, he didn't care anymore and took her forward.

A gust of wind blew, and the flickering candlelight seemed a little gloomy in the dark night.

Cha Cha was originally clutching his sleeve with one hand and walking, and she silently stretched out the other hand.

Two little hands, tightly clasping his sleeves, his little face full of vigilance, looking around from time to time, um, why did she come to this place?

Why is there such a gloomy corner in the prince's palace?

Qiqi is getting more and more stupid to bring her to such a place!

"If you are afraid, you can hold my arm."

Mo Xinghuan looked at the little girl with a nervous expression and said softly.

Cha Cha categorically refused, "...No, I'm not afraid at all!"

The girl's family, how can you casually say that you are afraid?

Does she want to lose face?


Weekly recommendation ticket 16000 plus update chapter is coming~

The next update will be when the weekly recommendation ticket is 21000~

Mo Xinghuan: Today is the day my daughter-in-law threw herself into her arms! Very nice.

(end of this chapter)