Chapter 295: Your Highness, I am super good (8)

Chapter 295 Your Highness, I am super good (8)

Getting the answer he wanted, Mo Xinghuan silently decided to have an extra late-night snack every night from now on.


Cha Cha walked out from the place where the wind was blowing.

Not far ahead, she also saw the patrolling guards.

She shook the man's arm and said in surprise, "You are amazing!"

came out so soon!

If it were her, she would probably still be spinning in circles.

Her voice soon attracted the guards patrolling the palace.

The moment the guard saw Mo Xinghuan, he was about to salute, but he waved his hand to stop him.

Immediately, those guards saw it.

There is a very handsome little boy with red lips and white teeth next to their highness? ? ?


The guards subconsciously rubbed their eyes.


Did they read it right?


How could the prince be so close to people?

Embrace your arm and stick to your body?

And why is the other party still a little boy?

Could it be that the prince does not like beauty, but likes that?

The guards were shocked and stunned, at a loss.

Watching the prince and the little boy go further and further away, they still stood in the same place and didn't return to their senses.

After a long time, I didn't know who it was, and suddenly said, "That direction seems to be the bedroom of His Royal Highness..."


Cha Cha was brought directly to the bedroom by Mo Xinghuan.

The maid who was guarding near the dormitory was already shocked and overwhelmed.

Someone hurriedly rushed to the pantry to prepare a late-night snack.

Someone hurriedly served tea.

There were also people who were shocked and confused.

All kinds of brain supplements in his heart, wildly guessing where the little boy came from.

You must know that the prince has never been so close to anyone.

Of course, there were also people who wanted to take a closer look out of curiosity, but before he even raised his head, he was so frightened by the Prince's intimidating coercion that he trembled all over.

They can only see the little boy's clothes.

As for the face...I didn't see it...

Probably, he looks handsome, right?

Chacha's eyes lit up when he saw the cakes on the table.

While looking at the cakes, she tugged at the corner of Mo Xinghuan's clothes, "Can I, can I eat this first?"


Chacha, "!!!"

The taste of this pastry!

very delicious.

The three dishes and one soup she ate at noon were completely crushed!

"Ouch, Qiqi, I think what you said makes sense. I want to be the boss of the Prince's Palace!"

All the delicious food is mine!

Seventy-seven weakly said, [...come on. 】

Anyway, if you just wave your hand now, Mo Xinghuan will also give it to you...

The supper is fast.

It's just that Mo Xinghuan, who said he had the habit of eating late-night snacks, didn't even touch his chopsticks.

Chacha was sitting there eating, and he sat beside him and watched.

After a long time, Chacha put down the bowls and chopsticks, her Wu Liuliu eyes rolled around, she took the initiative to approach Mo Xinghuan and whispered.

"Can I tell you a secret?"


Chacha, "Let's talk about it first, my secret is conditional. I told the secret, and you always want to give me a little something."

Hearing this, Mo Xinghuan became interested. He looked at the well-behaved little girl, and his heart filled with curiosity.

"What benefits do you want?"

Cha Cha was taken aback, "Hey, don't you ask me what the secret is?"

Mo Xinghuan's attitude was casual, "It makes sense, you tell the secret first, I'll listen to see if it can be exchanged for benefits."

Chacha, "Okay, let me tell the secret first"

Seven-seven, 【………………】


Two more updates in the early morning!

Don't forget that there will be more updates when the weekly recommendation ticket is 21,000.

Don't ask me why the maids and guards didn't see that Cha Cha was a girl.

Because they either didn't see the face, or they only saw one glance, after all, they were wearing men's clothes...

When you see wearing men's clothes, you will definitely think of a little boy~

So, don't bully me.

The author is very eager to survive.

(end of this chapter)