Chapter 306: Your Highness, I am super good (19)

Chapter 306 Your Highness, I am super good (19)

Chacha's voice is somewhat ethereal.

Like the original owner, ethereal and unable to grasp.

The truth is cruel, but it is the truth.

If the third prince really likes Ning Cha to the point of hopelessness.

How dare Ning Xiang send Ning Cha to death?

The third prince knew that Ning Cha had no background and was not favored. Even if he really ascended the throne in the future, Ning Cha would not have any threat to him.

The most important thing is that Ningcha is not familiar with the world, it is easy to handle, and it is in the palm of your hand.

On the other hand, Miss Ning would rather know.

In the future, I'm afraid it will be towards Ning Xiang.

Deep-thinking, a little careless, it is easy to catch fire in the backyard.

So, the so-called feelings of the third prince are like a layer of window paper, which breaks when touched.

Qiqi didn't respond for a long time.

Hey, it's just a system, how can you talk about a relationship and go around like this?

is too difficult for this system.

It shook its head and said seriously, [Chacha is amazing! According to a simple plot, you can analyze so much! awesome! 】

"Well, actually, I also think I'm very good." Super smart!

Qiqi, [But, but Chacha is so smart, why did his IQ drop in front of Mo Xinghuan? 】

It held back for a long time, but finally couldn't hold back and said this sentence.

Cha Cha, "... Qiqi, I'm not a machine, I'll be tired too."

【don't know. 】

"Anyway, he won't hurt me. When I'm with him, I don't have to think about that.

I can finally give my little head a rest, why should I fight with him?

Whatever he is, and it's really annoying. "

When he was there, I was a good baby, soft and cute.

When he's not around, emmm... I'm really fierce!

Qiqi, [………] I, am I being fed dog food?

After that, when Chacha is quilted, should I remind her that her IQ will go up a little bit?

But... Cha Cha said that her little head needs a rest, and her IQ needs to be off the assembly line to rest.

However, Chacha, whose IQ is not on the line, is really easy to be deceived!

I...I...I'm so hard!

Forget it, I'll continue to close myself...

Qiqi decided to give up treatment.

Cha Cha tilted his head, just gossiping for so long.


She found that Mo Xinghuan seemed to be sweet again.

Well, she smashed her mouth, turned her head, and set her eyes on Mo Xinghuan again.

So sweet!

I want to eat.

The little hand reached out quietly and tugged at the corner of his clothes.

Mo Xinghuan felt something, lowered his eyes, and saw the dishonest little hand pulling his clothes at a glance.

The bottom of my heart suddenly became a soft mess.

He tilted his head and looked at the fluffy little girl.

Those wet eyes were pure and clear, and they looked straight at him.

I don't know if it was his illusion.

always felt that there was something else in her eyes.

That look is like looking at sweet-scented osmanthus cake, want to eat him?

As soon as the idea of ​​   came out, he was immediately thrown away.

It seems that recently, his mind has become more and more dirty...

He leaned over and rubbed her head with his hand.

Chacha blinked.

raised his hand and ripped off his big hand, then... didn't let go.

The two little hands seemed to have found a new toy, playing with his big hand, pinching it, pinching it again.

Mo Xinghuan looked dull, "..." Little fool, you are getting more and more courageous!


A new month~Remember to vote~

(end of this chapter)