Chapter 310: Your Highness, I am super good (23)

Chapter 310 Your Highness, I am super good (23)

After getting the letter from Ning Xiang, Cha Cha turned around and was about to leave.

Unpredictable, Mo Xingling's unwilling voice sounded again from behind.

"Chacha, no matter who you think I am in your heart, or what misunderstanding you have about me.

I have to remind you.

Mo Xinghuan is not as simple as you see it. Apart from being favored by his father, he is more of a shady way.

You must not be easily deceived by him... You have to believe me, your father and I will never harm you. "

Cha Cha turned around, tilted his head and gave him a particularly sweet smile.

Maybe others don't know that smile.

Qiqi is very clear.

Every time Chacha tilts his head and smiles very sweetly.

is basically divided into two cases.

One: Chacha is really happy and in a very good mood.

Another: Cha Cha is in a bad mood, very irritable…

The current situation.

Needless to say, it is now clearly in the second category.

It's tea tea, I'm in a bad mood!

The kind that would hit people if they disagreed.

Qiqi just finished thinking about it when she heard a plop, followed by a heavy groan.

Cha Cha looked down at Mo Xing Mausoleum, who was kicked to the ground by himself.

's beautiful eyes swept around him, his vision was a little less pure and a little more fierce.

"You really have a lot of nonsense."

's soft voice sounded like a spell in Mo Xingling's mausoleum at this moment.

He looked up in astonishment.

It was clearly the face he was familiar with, but what he did was unbelievable.

"You, when did you learn martial arts?"

In his impression, she has always been a weak and weak girl.

Chacha got a little impatient, "Does it have anything to do with you? Mind your mouth and don't frame Mo Xinghuan casually. Is he someone you can slander?"

Beyond your own power!

Still want to provoke the relationship between her and Mo Xinghuan?

When she is stupid?

The more I thought about the unhappy Cha Cha, without saying a word, I raised my leg and kicked.

Mo Xingling was dumbfounded and hated, "..."

The whole person was kicked so that he could not fight back, and he even forgot what he was going to do.

Until Cha Cha left, the figure disappeared from his sight.

Mo Xingling slowly got up from the ground.

The footprints on his clothes and the pain reminded him that what just happened was not a dream.

He was really taught by Ning Cha!

And the reason: just because he said a few words to Mo Xinghuan...

Do you like Mo Xinghuan that much?

Can't even hear a word of reminder?

He frowned fiercely. If so, wouldn't Ning Xiang and his plan be... a bit difficult?

But not necessarily…

There is no detailed plan in the letter, only a few simple explanations.

Approximately, you can still gamble.

Mo Xingling stood there, with a layer of poison in his eyes.

Or, if you think about it in a different way.

He separated Ning Cha and Mo Xinghuan, causing them to misunderstand, which would probably be more exciting!


Cha Cha clutched the letter and returned to the bedroom unimpeded all the way.

The bedroom was empty.

"Nobody?" she whispered.

casually put the letter wrapped in Jinpa on the table.

The sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus cakes on the table, as well as thousand-layer cakes, hibiscus cakes... all kinds of cakes...


Chacha's eyes lit up, "A lot of delicious food! Qiqi, you must find a way to get out!"

It’s a pity that you can’t eat these delicacies.

【Mmmmmmm! I must try to climb out. 】

Qiqi is extremely firm.

(end of this chapter)