Chapter 313: Your Highness, I am super good (26)

Chapter 313 Your Highness, I am super good (26)

Chacha was overjoyed.

She cleared her throat and solemnly removed the little hand covering her face.

As if he had remembered something serious, he glanced at Mo Xinghuan and stretched his finger to the letter wrapped in Jinpa on the table.

"Hey, the letter is there, go and take it apart now!

However, I don't know if there is any poison in the letter, so be careful. "

Mo Xinghuan nodded.

She was so dumb and good-natured that he really wanted to swallow her.

Seeing that Mo Xinghuan was not moving, Cha Cha pushed him again in dissatisfaction, "Come on!"

Why are you reacting so slowly?

"Okay, okay, let's go." The man's voice was full of helplessness and doting.

The letter is mixed with poison?

What is going on in the head of the little baby?'s a good thing to be vigilant.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at the envelope, a little disdainful. He never felt that they could threaten him with the methods of Ning Xiang and Mo Xingling.

Those two couldn't find any waves.

However, this letter was brought back by his little treasure who made a trip in person for him.

He couldn't live up to her wishes.

So, be sure to watch it.

Not only to see, but also to pay great attention.

He wants to let his little baby know her letter, how helpful it is to him!

The moment when    Jinpa was removed by Mo Xinghuan.

His face changed suddenly, his slender fingers stuck in the air.

"..." was really guessed by his little baby.

Chacha saw his expression was different, "What's wrong? Is there a problem with the letter?"

She got up from the soft couch, and was about to read the letter.

Mo Xinghuan's eyes were quick, and he took a step ahead of her and moved the letter away, "It's alright, it's just a little powder."

Ning is quite worthy of being Ning Xiang, and even his own daughter is not spared when he is ruthless.

This chronic poison will not strike for a while.

It is estimated that the effect of the medicine should work when people are almost used.

"A little powder?" Cha Cha repeated in a low voice.

Really poisoned?

actually guessed right.

Keep up the good work!

She lowered her eyes, thinking to herself how to repay Ning Xiang.

Ning Xiang asked Mo Xingling to send her a letter, and then put the medicine powder in the letter. This is really hard work!

In order to thank Ning Xiang for his hard work, she decided to give Ning Xiang a big gift!

Mo Xinghuan has been carefully observing Cha Cha's expression, and seeing that she has no intention of being sad, he is a little relieved.

After all, what Ning Xiang did is really chilling.

Tiger poison still does not eat seeds.

And Ning Xiang?

But thinking of the law, he wanted to kill his daughter.

He looked at Cha Cha with a calm face, calm and indifferent.

At first, he was relieved.

followed by endless distress.

How many disappointments did it take to stay calm when he heard that his father had poisoned him?

He stretched out his hand, hugged the person in his arms, and comforted him warmly, "It's okay, I'll be there in the future!"

In the future, when he pets her, it is enough for her to have him.

Ning Xiang, those messy people, get out of the way!

was thinking about how to return the gift of tea, "???" looked bewildered.

What happened again?

Never mind, just do business first.

Rolling her wet eyes, she said, "Then I want something from you, can you give it to me?"

"Give." Even if it cost him his life, he would give it.

Chacha's eyebrows and eyes are curved.

"Qiqi, I've decided to give Ning Xiang something!"

【Chacha is so smart! Awesome! 】

(end of this chapter)