Chapter 320: Your Highness, I am super good (33)

Chapter 320 Your Highness, I am super good (33)

General Song actually apologized?

Don't you fight her for the sake of your daughter?

Perhaps her eyes were too focused.

Mo Xinghua raised his hand.

The big hand with clear phalanges brought a bit of coolness and landed on her cheek.

Then she snapped her little head in his direction.

"Don't look at General Song like that, I'll be unhappy."

The man's voice did sound a little displeased, and his dark ink eyes looked at her.

Cha Cha blinked and asked in confusion, "Why are you unhappy?"

You man, very strange!

Mo Xinghuan looked at her with helplessness in his eyes.

Why is his baby's reaction always different from others?

After hitting someone's daughter, he knew he was guilty, but he said he was not happy, how could she not understand?

Seeing that he didn't say a word and didn't do anything else.

Chacha thought for a while, reached out and touched his forehead, and then touched his own forehead, um, the temperature seems to be normal.

She whispered, "I don't have a fever, it's weird how you say it..."

After muttering, he turned his attention to General Song again.

seems to want to find out the answer from General Song, why Mo Xinghuan will be unhappy when she takes a look.

General Song, who was comforting his daughter, twitched his eyelids fiercely. He turned his head stiffly and met the little girl's suspicious gaze, "..."

Why is the prince unhappy?

Because the prince doesn't want you to focus on others.

So...leave me alone!

General Song felt that he was too difficult.

Song Weiyu, who had been ignored since Mo Xinghuan appeared, changed and changed.

"What do you keep watching my father? Why, you still want to fight him?"

I'm so angry that I lost to this weak-looking man.

Chacha glanced at her, as if she had just remembered this person, "I would like to admit defeat, you will not appear in front of me in the future, so don't talk to me, I will not answer you."

Song Weiyu was stunned for a moment, "..."

looked at Cha Cha with a dull look, then turned to look at General Song.

General Song only felt a headache, "...Daughter, be willing to admit defeat."

When he came, he happened to meet the guard who came to look for him, so he knew what happened.

This word, since it has been said, it cannot be taken back casually.

heard the words.

Song Weiyu stomped her feet in anger, "I can be willing to admit defeat, but, Your Royal Highness, can you answer me a question?"

She turned around and looked at Mo Xinghuan with burning eyes.

General Song was so annoyed by her words, "Shut up! Don't talk nonsense in front of the Crown Prince!"

Still think things are not messy enough?

Offended the people around the prince, and now openly shouting?

Do you think he is in good health recently? Want to **** him off?

Song Weiyu ignored his father's warning.

His eyes fell on Cha Cha, with a faint threat in his tone, "Your Highness, this person beside you, even if you spoil her again, no matter how powerful she is, she is still a man, can you keep her by your side for a lifetime? "

The implication of    is also very clear.

Male pets are not on the table after all.

Besides, he is still the male pet beside His Royal Highness the Prince?

If the prince ascends the throne as emperor in the future, then this so-called male pet is a shameful black history and must be eliminated.

Mo Xinghuan lowered his eyes, "Oh, that makes sense. Thank you Miss Song for reminding me."

He tilted his head, and his slender fingers moved gently from behind Cha Cha's head.

The next moment.

The ink-like blue silk spreads out like a waterfall, and the pretty face, when you look at it again, is already bright and moving.

(end of this chapter)