Chapter 322: Your Highness, I am super good (35)

Chapter 322 Your Highness, I am super good (35)

Mo Xinghuan took the person back to the bedroom, closed the door, and let the little girl sit on the soft couch.

Now there are only two of them left.

He was carrying a plate of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and planned to use torture to extract a confession.

's slender fingers pinched a piece of pastry.

He opened his mouth and took a bite. It was fragrant and soft, and the taste was really good.

"Today's sweet-scented osmanthus cake tastes better than usual."

The man's voice was loose, with a faint smile on his face.

Chacha's dark eyes stared at Mo Xinghuan...the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hand.

She smelled the fragrance.

The stomach also called out in a timely manner.

She lowered her head, rubbed her stomach, and said softly, "... Hungry."

Fighting is also a very laborious thing.

"Want to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake?" he asked.

Chacha nodded, "Well, I want to eat it." I really want to eat it.

He casually put the cake on the table, and then took advantage of the situation to sit next to Chacha. He raised his hand, his slender fingers hooked her chin, and the cold fingertips gave a hint of coolness.

"Then you have to answer me a few questions."

The dark ink eyes stared straight at the little girl's clear and translucent eyes.

"Yeah." For the tea of ​​the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, it's outrageous to be well-behaved.

He raised his eyebrows, "Am I nice to you?"

Chacha is a little confused. This question is very unskilled. There is no doubt that he is very kind to her.

"You are very good to me!" she said seriously.

If he treated her badly, how could she stay here for so long?

She has long since disappeared...

"Really?" The man laughed softly, his emotions were unclear, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry.

Chacha felt that he was really strange.

"What's the matter with you?" She looked at him, a little worried.

His mood seems to be up and down today.

"Then why did you leave the palace?"

The man's eyes were dark, his face was faintly heavy, and the hands hanging by his side showed signs of being unable to control.

She may not know how scared he was of her leaving when he heard the guard's report that she was walking towards the gate of the palace.

The moment he saw that she was still there, he even wanted to hold her in his arms fiercely.

But he was afraid, afraid of scaring her, so he could only pretend to be indifferent.

Cha Cha was silent for a while, thinking about how to answer this question.

Seeing her pursing her lips, Mo Xinghuan's emotions gradually became uncontrollable. After a long time, he reached out and touched his little baby's cheek.

"Chacha, you are mine, no matter where you go, you are mine."

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, then corrected him with a sullen face, "No, you are mine, and the sweet-scented osmanthus cake is mine too!"

I am still mine!

Yes, that's it!

Mo Xinghuan's dark eyes were sluggish for a moment, and then he chuckled, "Okay, I'm yours.

You see, today, everyone knows that I am yours, and my reputation is tied to you. You have to be responsible for me. No matter where you go, you must take me with you, and you cannot leave me, understand? "

Hearing this, Cha Cha thought about it seriously, and it seemed that it was indeed the case.

Everyone knows they live together.

Then she really has to be responsible to him.

She nodded solemnly, "Well, I'm in charge."

She blinked, reached out and touched his head, "I'm responsible for you, so you have to be obedient!"

I don't want you if you don't obey, she tilted her head to look at Mo Xinghuan.

People are hers.

Osmanthus cake is also hers!

No one can take it away!

Thinking like this, she tilted her head, glanced at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and pointed, "Give me the sweet-scented osmanthus cake first."

Mo Xinghuan, "Not yet, there is one more question to answer."

(end of this chapter)