Chapter 324: Your Highness, I am super good (37)

Chapter 324 Your Highness, I am super good (37)

Seeing Mo Xinghuan's embarrassed look, Chacha panicked even more.

She lowered her head and looked sluggish, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Really got in trouble.

she whispered, "What should I do?"

Seven Seven, 【…………】

It endured it, but finally couldn't, and opened the mouth to remind.

【Chacha, Song General clearly apologized first. 】So this matter should be no problem.

Cha Cha's eyes lit up and said eagerly, "Yes, I also remember that General Song apologized first!"

The man is not in a hurry.

The drooping eyelashes blocked the dark light in the bottom of his eyes.

"General Song did apologize, but it was obviously out of consideration for my face, I didn't want to make things so ugly, and in private... How can you guarantee that General Song won't hold grudges?

Although General Song is a very upright person, that Miss Song is the jewel in his palm and has never suffered.

Being beaten up by you in public is so ugly, more or less to save face. "

Chacha thought about it seriously, what he said... makes sense!

seems to be the case.

There is no guarantee that you will not hold grudges in private!

After all, they didn't know what General Song was thinking.

General Song, "..." I'm so wronged! I am really a good person.

After thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't figure out what to do. She sighed and tugged at the corner of Mo Xinghuan's clothes as if admitting it.

"Then what do you say?"

Cha Cha had a small face in mourning, and couldn't be wronged.

Mo Xinghuan raised his hand and touched her cheek, as if comforting, but the cold fingertips were not willing to leave immediately.

The corners of his lips were slightly hooked, with a bit of deep meaning.

"I'll take care of these things, you don't have to worry about it, but... this matter is very tricky, you must give me a little compensation."

When the words fell, he withdrew his hand.

took advantage of the situation and leaned halfway on the soft couch, staring straight at the half-sitting little girl.

Cha Cha was stunned for a few seconds, then nodded.

"Well, it should be."

After all, it was me who caused it, and Mo Xinghuan spent all her energy to solve it, so it is normal for her to make some compensation.

It's just that she must remember the lesson, and the next time she beats someone, she must find a place where no one is there! ! !

She tilted her head to look at Mo Xinghuan, who was leaning against the soft couch. Her dark eyes seemed to be suddenly stained with a little light, and there was a dark light flowing.

"What compensation do you want?"

The little girl asked in a low voice, being obedient.

Mo Xinghuan stretched out his hand and hooked her waist, and took the person into his arms.

Caught off guard, she threw himself on top of him.

The light fragrance came from him, Cha Cha covered his mouth and yawned.

She glanced at him, guessing that he hadn't figured out what compensation he wanted, she tilted her head and found a more comfortable position on him.

Then his little head slid into his neck and muttered, "Think slowly, I-I'll sleep for a while first."

Mo Xinghuan froze.

looked down at the little girl nestled on top of him.

Really didn't take any precautions against him... Just sleeping on him so grandly?

Don't be afraid, did he do something to her?

He shook his head helplessly, raised his hand and tugged the quilt next to him, putting it over the two of them.

As for the compensation he wants?

He had already thought about it.

It's just that his little girl is so well-behaved that he can't bear to say the compensation he wants.

After all, today's harvest is a lot, and before that, she said she would be responsible for him!

Those words were deeply imprinted in his mind.

As for compensation?

Wait for her to wake up and discuss slowly.


Qiqi: Can you be a person?

The early morning update is here, and today's update will be posted at one time.

Then the book will be charged tomorrow, that is, in the early morning of this Friday, when the 40-50 chapters will be updated.

If you like it, give it a full subscription. It is still very important to subscribe on the day it is launched. If you don’t need book coupons on the day of the launch, try not to use book coupons, thank you little cuties.

I saw the little cuties asking if they could not charge, but definitely not. The author is full-time, free for three months, and living a miserable life. They need money for food, water and electricity. I write full-time. Yes, if you don't charge for it, you can't even afford to eat. Living with money every day, life is not easy. Thank you for your support. ^)-☆

This book has been written for three months, and I have never asked for a reward, and I have never asked for a reward. To be honest, I just want to ask for a full order on the day it goes on sale~ It’s really important! !

If the results on the day of the launch are good, I will hold a full-book event this Saturday. If it is not ideal, I may not have the heart to start the event~ Good night~

(end of this chapter)