Chapter 329: Your Highness, I am super good (42)

Chapter 329 Your Highness, I am super good (42)

Mo Xingmu gave the emperor a meaningful look.

He shook his head with a sigh, then put down the glass and left again.

That's all, it's really not for him here.

At best, just begging for a glass of wine.

Otherwise, if they continue to stay, I am afraid that the two people will show their love and doubt their life.

Alas, he tried his best, but there is really no place for him here.

Cha Cha spent most of the day earnestly tossing around, but he messed up Mo Xinghuan's hair, and didn't help him fix it.

She pouted, holding the wooden comb in her hand, her voice aggrieved and helpless, "I can't bundle it well..."

It’s just too difficult anyway.

seems to have expected such a reaction from her.

The corners of his lips raised a playful look, "Isn't it good to bundle up? How about that? I can't, so let me go out and meet people like this?"

Chacha, "!!!" Of course you can't go out and meet people like this!

A mess of hair.

If he is seen, his reputation as a prince will be all over!

"I, I'll try harder." She said seriously.

The little hand held the wooden comb, and his eyes turned round and round on his head, "..." I'm sorry, I didn't find a place to start.


It's too embarrassing for her little cutie.

She looked at the messy hair, her mood was very complicated.

Unfortunately, just now, he spoke quickly and said that sentence again.

She...she suddenly wanted to take it back.

Or should I let Mo Xinghuan work hard?

She obediently moved to Mo Xinghuan's side, put down the wooden comb with her little hands, and then wrapped her arms around his arms.

shouted obediently and softly, "His Royal Highness? Why don't you try harder yourself? Look, you will tie my hair, then you should be able to tie it yourself, I believe you can!"

Mo Xinghuan froze, "..." The most unbearable thing is that the little baby talks like this.

He looked away and coughed twice unnaturally.

There was a very complicated emotion in his eyes.

for a long time.

He reached out and touched her head, his slender fingers clasped her waist lightly, and said warmly.

"Do your own business, baby, work hard for what you say."

Cha Cha, "...Okay."

She drooped her small head, her white fingers, and reluctantly reached for the wooden comb.

Work hard, just work hard, maybe his hair will suffer.

The little girl's emotions are too obvious.

The man let out a low laugh, his eyes doting on.

"Why don't we take a shower first, and we can take it slow when it comes to tying our hair."

Chacha snorted, with bright eyes, "Well, I'll take a bath first!"


After half a stick of incense.

Mo Xinghuan looked at the little **** the bed pretending to be sleeping with the quilt in her arms, her eyes were full of helplessness, and a slight smile hung on the corners of her lips.

Do you think that by pretending to be asleep, you can get away with fixing his hair?

He shook his head, sighed, turned and walked out of the room to take a shower.

Hearing the sound of the door, Cha Cha carefully lifted the quilt, revealing a small head, and glanced in the direction of the door.

Well, let's go!


She finally escaped the claws of her hair.

The little girl tilted her head to the side in a very good mood.

White fingers took out a paper bag from under the pillow, and she secretly squeezed a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and stuffed it inside.

Talk to Qiqi while eating.

"Qiqi, you say, why is it so difficult to tie your hair?"

Qiqi, […I don’t know either. 】This question, how can I answer it?

After all, I haven't experienced it either.

I can't understand the big tail wolf deceiving people to tie their hair. Can this kind of thing get any different fun from it? ?

(end of this chapter)