Chapter 340: Your Highness, I am super good (53)

Chapter 340 Your Highness, I am super good (53)

Qiqi glanced at Cha Cha, who was getting more and more skilled at hitting people.

decided silently, and immediately arranged the 'eight hundred-character essay-style praise'!

The little girl glanced at the person who was lying on the ground, and rolled up her sleeves with her round and white fingertips.

Then, there was a one-sided beating on Ning Xiang.

About for a while.

Hearing someone walking towards the main courtyard in a trance, Cha Cha snorted in dissatisfaction, and turned over the window neatly and left.

So, a few minutes later.

In the main courtyard, another world turned upside down.

Ning Xiang fell into his room!

I can't wake up no matter how I shout.

The people were so busy, no one knew what was going on.

Fortunately, Ning Xiang still breathes...

At that time, Chacha, who had hidden merit and fame, was sitting in his room happily eating sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

Well, Mo Xinghuan is very caring.

The sweet-scented osmanthus cake was also prepared by him long ago.

There are not only sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, but also cloud cakes, thousand layer cakes, all kinds of delicious food.

Chacha curved the corners of her lips, caring!


until dusk.

Ning Xiang just woke up leisurely, he was in pain all over his body, but he didn't have a single wound.

Even the best doctor in the city couldn't see what was wrong.

Ning Xiang was anxious and angry, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't understand how he passed out.

This seems to be a mystery...

Of course, before that, he also thought about whether it might be the little devil who had done him.

But as soon as this idea appeared, he was immediately denied.

It was he who ran out of her room first, and then, he met a servant in the middle, and when he entered the room, he passed out with almost no pause.

In terms of time, it is unlikely.

First of all, he ran all the way back to the main courtyard, unless Chacha could run faster than him, and during this section of the road, he avoided all the servants.

Looking at it like this, she obviously can't do it...

So the question is, who is it? ? ?

Ning Xiang felt more and more flustered the more he thought about it. He always felt that since he sent people to the palace, the development of everything was no longer under his control.

This feeling of being out of control is very bad. He pondered it carefully for a while, and finally, he walked over to the desk and wrote a letter to the third prince.

Some things still need to be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

Besides, Chacha is still in his prime minister's mansion, if she really wants to do something, then she can still be a hostage!


Dinner was eaten by Cha Cha alone in the room.

She took a few bites and suddenly felt nothing interesting.

Although Mo Xinghuan brought the dinner, and the taste was the same as before, just wasn't as delicious as before.

Mo Xinghuan is not around, and the rice has no fragrance.

She turned around and climbed onto the bed, her little hands habitually stretched out under the pillow, and then she didn't touch anything, it was empty.

The little girl was startled at first, her beautiful eyes were full of daze.

Xu realized that this was not Mo Xinghuan's bedroom... So, there was no sweet-scented osmanthus cake she hid under this pillow.

Do not know why.

My heart is inexplicably astringent.

She pouted, huddled at the end of the bed alone, holding her legs with both hands, aggrieved, especially aggrieved.

Although it wasn't that Mo Xinghuan left her here on purpose, it was just a grievance...


Mo Xinghuan's palace maid, who was left behind, was a little overwhelmed with fright when she saw this scene, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask if the food was unpalatable, or what the situation was.

Cha Cha shook his head and said nothing, just like an abandoned child nesting there.

Qiqi is even more distressed, its poor Chacha!

It's going to crawl out and kill that shameless man!

(end of this chapter)