Chapter 348: Your Highness, I am super good (61)

Chapter 348 Your Highness, I am super good (61)

As Mo Xinghuan guessed.

He took Cha Cha and just left not long ago.

Ning Xiang took the people to Chacha's courtyard, obviously intending to take them as hostages.

It's just that people have gone to the empty building long ago, and nothing has been caught.

At that time, Ning Xiang was losing his temper in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Mo Xinghuan sighed, feeling more and more distressed for his baby.

The person he regards as a treasure, in Ning Xiang's eyes, is just a chess piece that can be discarded at any time...

And Ning Xiang, or her biological father.

Funny and lamentable.

But it doesn't matter, she will have him to accompany her in her life in the future.

for three consecutive days.

Chacha was in the bedroom, and he didn't go out much.

During the day, a palace maid would come in to play games with her, and after dinner, Mo Xinghuan would come back to accompany her.

But even with a gentle smile on his face, he couldn't stop his exhaustion.

She knew that he was tired.

No need for him to say more, she also knew what he was doing.

Ning Xiang must have already made his move. That fool from Mo Xingling is difficult to make a habit. However, handling it is not as easy as it sounds. After all, it is still a bit difficult. At the very least, it takes a lot of time and thought.

Moreover, you can use this incident to clean up the ministers in the court.

is a big move!

Chacha knew he was tired, and he was very well behaved at night.

lay beside him and hugged him, without saying much, giving him silent support.

"How can baby be so good?" Mo Xinghuan couldn't help but whispered close to her ear.

He buckled her waist and held her tightly in his arms.

Cha Cha blushed and retorted in a low voice, "Don't call me like that..."

She had said it several times, and although he called her less often, he still liked to call her that.

Ugh, it’s fine during the day.

Especially in the middle of the night, holding her close to her ear and shouting... It's really too much!

She snorted, her little head lowered, and her whole body got into his arms, "I'm going to bed, good night."

Implication: Please don't disturb my sleep!

The smile on Mo Xinghuan's face deepened, "Okay, good night, I'll shut up."

Chacha, "..." I don't want to talk to you!


Three days later.

The palace seems to be at peace.

The calm this time belongs to the calm after the storm.

Calm but filled with a bit of desolation.

Cha Cha also stepped out from the bedroom.

woo, take some sun, if you don't stay in the sun for a while, it will get moldy.

The moldy sweet-scented osmanthus cake is not delicious, it is definitely not fragrant or sweet.

She thought about it, although she was still unfamiliar with the Prince's Palace, but after a few laps, she should not be unable to touch it.

She doesn't like being followed by palace maids, and she is very confident in herself.

So, a person happily circled around the Prince's Palace.


Chacha is naive again.

After    a stick of incense, she stopped and stared blankly at the unfamiliar environment.

"Qiqi, I seem to have gone the wrong way again..."

Qiqi, [...Don't, don't be afraid, I'll check the map. 】

Autistic Seven is very guilty...

It should find the right way.

Don't panic, hold on!

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Cha Cha tapped his forehead angrily.

Sure enough, Lu Chi couldn't have hope for his own way of remembering.

What is Lu Chi?

Lu Chi is... a road, walking straight, backward, sideways, vertical, the coming and going are all different...

Cha Cha once again sighed at the vastness of the palace, even a small prince's palace, she can faint, plus other palaces... Really, thinking about it gives me a headache.

(end of this chapter)