Chapter 361: Sweet green plums (10)

Chapter 361 Green plum sweet and sweet (10)

Chacha thought about it for a while, then explained it seriously and seriously, "... Autumn in autumn, tea from tea leaves, it's super simple."

A soft voice, coupled with that expression.


Tsk, not only the name is super simple.

The new classmate also looks super nice and soft... super easy to bully.

Delicate like a porcelain doll.

Who sees you, don't want to reach out and pinch?

The head teacher looked at Cha Cha, "Just right, there are still a few vacancies in the class, let's see which one you want to choose."

Cha Cha nodded and looked over.

Three vacancies.

There is one in the front row.

There is one next to Jiang Lihuan.

There is another one at the back, surrounded by boys.

Chacha's eyes precisely locked on one of them, and looked at the head teacher with a smile, "Teacher, I have chosen."

"Well, then you go to sit first, and the class will be soon."


Cha Cha walked down from the podium.

Her every move has attracted attention.

The seat in the front row was ignored by her.

Many girls became more vigilant, and their eyes switched back and forth between her and Jiang Lihuan.

In just a few seconds, they were stunned to make up a big scene.

For example: if the new classmates join the vacant seat beside Jiang Lihuan, will there be a result?

Another example: What if a new classmate wants to sit next to Jiang Lihuan while crying and making trouble?

Just after they made up one big scene after another.

Cha Cha walked straight past Jiang Lihuan's place, and walked to the last row to sit down without even a single glance.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

The boys in the back row burst into laughter and were extremely happy.

The girls looked confused, "???" What is this operation?

New classmate, didn't you see that all the boys are sitting in the back row?

You, a little girl, ran behind, what are you trying to do?

Not only everyone was dumbfounded, but even the head teacher was dumbfounded for a while.

It took a while.

The head teacher found his voice, "You guys keep reading and wait for class."

After the words were finished, she turned and left.

Before    left, he glanced at the little girl who had chosen the last row with an uneasy look.

The little girl looks pretty good, why did you choose the last row?

Even sitting next to Jiang Lihuan, she can understand.

Could it be that the new classmates do not plan to study hard?

Oh, I can't figure it out... The little girl now, it's hard to guess what she's thinking.

The girls glanced at Cha Cha again in a daze, and they were even more confused when they saw the little girl put away the book in a serious manner, and then opened the book.

The operation of the    mystery...they couldn't understand it.

However, the good news is that the new classmates didn't get close to Jiang Lihuan, so the two of them didn't seem to know each other.

So the rumors they heard in the morning, saying that the little girl was behind Jiang Lihuan, might just be rumors... After all, there wasn't even a photo.

The unsubstantiated rumors, they refuse to believe it!

After   Cha Cha set up the books, he glanced at his new roommate in a good mood.

Well, the new tablemate is so nice, the new tablemate was sleeping, and the new tablemate was sleeping when she came in.

Up to now, the new tablemate is still sleeping.


She likes this kind of fresh and unpretentious tablemate.

Qiqi, […] I think you chose this position and this tablemate you’ve never met for convenience, although, I have no evidence…

Suddenly, Cha Cha was keenly aware of an unpleasant gaze.

She raised her eyes and followed.

but saw nothing.

only saw that cold figure.

"???" Was Jiang Lihuan looking at her just now?

Or, because of sleep problems, her delusion has become serious again? ? ?

(end of this chapter)