Chapter 373: Sweet green plums (22)

Chapter 373 Green plum sweet and sweet (22)

Slender, well-knotted fingers put the phone back in his pocket.

The long and narrow eyelashes cover the emotions under the eyes.

for a long time.

He whispered, "I will take good care of you."

Live up to Grandpa's wishes.

Grandpa's thoughts, he is naturally very clear, such as today's time and place, if he can't grasp it, then he is a fool.

Chacha is still a little confused.

She held the snack and walked around the living room.

Then he said softly, "Why did you go on a trip and even the servants disappeared?"

The little girl's eyes were full of doubts, and her moist eyes were clean and clear.

Jiang Lihuan said solemnly, "Those servants have feelings for grandpa, so it's normal to bring them when traveling."

Chacha blinked, it sounded quite reasonable.

"Okay." Just take it away.

that is……

It feels weird.

Qiqi, […………] Isn’t it weird! In this way, rounding up, you two are living together!

And it was also calculated by Jiang Lihuan's family.

Hey, my heart.

I really want to climb out and beat Jiang Lihuan to death.

With a cold face, he used various routines.

Good gas.

But it can't be said yet.

The little girl lowered her head and seemed to be thinking about something.

Jiang Lihuan's cold brows and eyes also got a bit of a smile.

After a few seconds.

The little girl raised her head and asked him in confusion, "What about our breakfast and dinner after that? Lunch can be eaten in the cafeteria, but there are still two meals that can't be solved!"

Jiang Lihuan didn't answer in a hurry, took a few steps forward and came to the little girl, "Can you cook?"

Hearing this, Cha Cha took two steps back vigilantly with a small snack in her arms.

"You, you... Grandpa said that you would take care of me. Even if I cook, it should be you!"

Chacha's heart is full of anger.

I asked you to take care of me, but you made up your mind to let me cook?

If it wasn't for your good looks, believe it or not I kicked you out?

Jiang Lihuan's cold eyes had a bit of a smile, and even his face was a bit gentler and less cold.

He said, "I can cook, but I have a condition."

Cha Cha lowered her eyes and thought for a while, "Then you say the conditions first, and I'll consider whether to agree."

She's not stupid, so she won't promise him anything, and then give him a chance to speak.

Jiang Lihuan raised his eyebrows.


is not too stupid.

He thought he could abduct people by giving him some snacks.

slender fingers rolled up his sleeves.

A clear and cold voice sounded.

"It's nothing, I just hope you don't fight again in the future, the impact will be bad."

Cha Cha was stunned.

Wet eyes stared straight at him, seeming to be very puzzled.

"Is the influence bad?

How can    affect it badly?

When I beat Fu An, didn’t I kill the people?

Don't you see a bunch of people complimenting me? "

The little girl asked four times in a row, obviously dissatisfied with this condition he put forward.

Jiang Lihuan was neither impatient nor impatient, "But you are a student, and the student's task is to study, not fight."

Fighting Fu An once, he will have a bunch of rivals in love, and if he fights twice again, maybe even girls will become rivals in love.

I thought of those friend request records I just saw in the car.

His head hurts.

Seeing that the little girl didn't agree as easily as he thought, he sighed and slowed down his cold voice.

"Do you want to fight every day?"

Cha Cha, "Also! They can't beat me anyway!"

Jiang Lihuan's pupils shrank suddenly, "..."

He suddenly panicked.


Five more.

There may be one more chapter before twelve noon (not sure.)

(end of this chapter)