Chapter 410: Sweet green plums (59)

Chapter 410 Green plum sweet and sweet (59)

Xu Yuan's voice grew louder.

So much so that the surrounding classmates silently put down the meals in their hands.

began to watch this once-in-a-lifetime drama.

Cutie with fierce milk and the school's former school girl are about to fight because of Jiang Lihuan!

A word!


Just when many people thought that Little Cutie would be angry and beat people up.

Little Cutie tilted her head and looked at Xu Yuan.

The soft voice was a little more indifferent.

"These questions, you should tell Jiang Lihuan, not me."

Xu Yuan, "???" I'm ready to watch you go crazy, so you just threw out a sentence so calmly?

What's the meaning?

So calm?

Xu Yuan stared at the little girl and glanced again, "You..."

"He's here, tell him." Cha Cha interrupted her, lowered her head and held her chopsticks, and took another bite of the sweet and sour pork ribs.

woo, the taste is not very good.

It's not as delicious as Jiang Lihuan's.

Xu Yuan was stunned for a moment, then turned around, only to see the cold boy walking towards her with a cup of milk tea expressionlessly.

Oh, maybe it should be said, walking towards Autumn Tea.

Jiang Lihuan put the milk tea in front of the little girl, his cold expression changed to gentleness in the blink of an eye.

The nostalgia in the eyes cannot be dissolved.

Just a glance can make people intoxicated.

partial birth.

The little girl just nodded lightly, staring intently at the sweet and sour pork ribs in front of her.

After confirming that the little girl was fine, Jiang Lihuan raised his eyes and glanced at Xu Yuan.

"To correct your sentence, my future path will indeed be infinite, but no matter which path I take, there must be her presence, she is here, I am here."

She's not here, so it doesn't make sense for me to keep it...

The young man has a serious expression and firm eyebrows.

Xu Yuan took two steps back with a hurt expression, her lips trembling, but she was still struggling, "But...but she's not suitable for you..."

Jiang Lihuan raised his eyebrows, "No one is suitable for me except her. If there is nothing else, don't disturb her to eat."

He didn't think about it, he just went out to buy a cup of milk tea, and he would disturb his little baby.

He squatted beside Cha Cha, his voice soft and soft.

"Baby? Would you like to make sweet and sour pork ribs for you tonight?"

The little girl looked down at Jiang Lihuan and hummed in dissatisfaction, "Okay."

If it wasn't for the sweet and sour pork ribs in the cafeteria that were not as delicious as his, she would have ignored him!

Xu Yuan stood there, not knowing why she hadn't left yet.

Jiang Lihuan calmly found the phone from Chacha's pocket and clicked it.

The mobile wallpaper instantly fell into Xu Yuan's eyes.

That moment.

She was shaky.

Finally, he almost cried and ran out.

Chacha bit the sweet and sour pork ribs with a confused look on his face.

She lowered her head and snatched the phone from Jiang Lihuan's hand, and then saw the lock screen...

"..." The little girl was stunned.

The sweet and sour pork ribs in the chopsticks fell onto the plate with a clatter.

The lock screen of the phone, Jiang Lihuan changed it again.

And this lock screen...

He was holding her.

Her small head was buried in the neck socket on his side, revealing only half of her small face.

On the other side, the clothes were torn a few times because of the trouble.

The angle of    happened to capture the bitten collarbone.

Tooth marks are particularly noticeable.

Well, look carefully, there is more than one tooth mark...

The cold boy, his brows and eyes are full of love, and even just looking at the photo, he can almost feel pink bubbles around the two of them.

Cha Cha's face turned red again, "..."

Why use this photo as a lock screen! ! ! !


Seventh shift, see you later~

(end of this chapter)