Chapter 419: Sweet green plums (68)

Chapter 419 Green plum sweet and sweet (68)

Anwei smiled mysteriously at Chacha.

"Such a simple question, of course, it's interesting if you want to see it in person, Brother Cha!"

Chacha, "..." Anwei might be a fool, right?

She glanced at him, distanced herself from him in disgust, and then looked at the transcript.

When the little girl walked over, the students around her consciously gave way.

Most of them looked at her excitedly.

Feeling more and more eyes, Chacha became more and more excited.

It seems that he really performed exceptionally well and got the first place in the test!


The little girl walked over with a smile.

Then, she saw the first place marked in bright red font.


Um? ? ?

First place: Jiang Lihuan? ? ?

The smile on the little girl's face froze instantly.

At this time, An Wei reluctantly came up and said with a smile, "Brother Cha, Brother Cha! Look, Jiang Lihuan is still the first in the grade, and you have jumped from the last one to the second!

Aren't you particularly excited! Are you very happy! I can't say how happy I am! ! ! "

Cha Cha, "…………"

The obedient and soft little girl suddenly filled with murderous intent.

An Wei was stunned for a moment, and stood there blankly, did he say something wrong?

When    was thinking about what to say, Fu Yang pulled the man back, and at the same time, covered his mouth with the other hand, preventing An Wei from continuing to speak.

Didn't you see that the little girl was full of killing intent?

Before the exam, Brother Cha said that he would compete with Jiang Lihuan for the first place.

Now, Jiang Lihuan is the first, so that is to say, Brother Cha lost.

At times like this, An Wei unknowingly leaned over to ask her if she was happy?

I'm afraid it's a lack of brains, right?

Xu is the aura of the little girl's sudden change, too obvious.

The crowd around her spread out strangely.

Although the little girl is soft, she is really fierce when she is fierce.

At this time, even her younger brother hides far away, so other people naturally hide away a little bit...

When Jiang Lihuan came over.

just happened to see his little girl standing there alone.

He hurried over and glanced at the transcript.

Um? Baby second.

has exceeded his imagination.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to put the man in his arms.

Who knows, Cha Cha gave him a look, refused to be hugged by him, turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Jiang Lihuan hurriedly reached out and pulled her wrist.

"Baby..." he whispered.

The little girl paused, turned her head, and glared at him fiercely, "Don't call it out!"

"Well, I won't shout, then don't leave me alone..." He stretched out his hand and pulled him into his arms.

wrapped around her waist while walking towards the less crowded path.

Everyone who eats melons, "???" just left?

Don't fight?

Alas, boring.

far away.

Jiang Lihuan gently persuaded his little girl, "It's only a few points away, next time be more careful and surpass me, it's easy."

Cha Cha pouted, "But you are the first this time... I lost..."

Jiang Lihuan, "Well, next time, I will lose to baby, okay?"

Chacha shook his head, "No, I have the strength, I don't need you to let me."

What's the point of being number one like that?

is not necessary.

The boy's eyes darkened.

He paused and asked tentatively, "Then what the baby said, does it count? Listen to me in the future, okay?"

Hearing the words, the little girl lowered her head and nodded shyly, "...Mmmm."

Soft voice, weak.

I am willing to admit defeat and listen to him in the future...


Sixth shift, see you later~

(end of this chapter)