Chapter 423: Extra (2)

Chapter 423 Fanwai (2)

The little girl looks normal.

His eyes were as wet as ever.


Always feel that something is wrong.

Jiang Lihuan reached out and rubbed the little girl's head, and said softly, "You are drunk."

The little girl waved his hand away.

"You are talking nonsense! I won't get drunk in a thousand cups, so I'll have another cup!"

How can I get drunk?

Don't underestimate my alcohol intake!

Fu Yang+Anwei, "..."

Jiang Lihuan Yiyan poured another glass of fruit wine for the little girl who was not drunk, "Drink less..."

Chacha hugged the cup and nodded obediently, "Well, I only have one cup."

After a cup.

The little girl stood up, stretched out her hand normally, and grabbed the red wine in Jiang Lihuan's hand.

Then he handed his empty glass to Jiang Lihuan.

"Let's change, you taste mine, I'll taste yours..."

The soft and well-behaved little girl drank the rest of the red wine in one gulp, then smacked her lips, after a while, and commented, "You are not as good as mine!"

The little girl put down the cup and went to get the cup that belonged to her in Jiang Lihuan's hand.


The little girl has a temper.

stretched out his white and tender index finger and pointed at Jiang Lihuan, with a look of anger, "You, you, how did you finish my fruit wine, you pay me!"

An Wei and Fu Yang finally settled on one thing.

Their tea brother is really drunk.

A glass of fruit wine, the little girl has come to the point of being shameless.

Jiang Lihuan glanced at the little drunk and sighed slightly, "...the fruit wine is gone, I'll pay you myself, okay?"

heard the words.

The little girl lowered her head and began to think.

She tore off her white and tender fingers and began to count one by one, "fruit wine, you? Small snacks, sweet and sour pork ribs,"

After half a minute.

The little girl raised her head tangled and looked at him seriously and embarrassedly.

"No no no, you are not worth so many things, although you are not things, you are you, but... a lot of small snacks are waiting for my favor, and now there is fruit wine, no, I can't give up so much for you... I don't want You're... so it's up to you to do it by yourself..."

The dizzy little girl tilted her head to look at Jiang Lihuan.

That way, he looks good and soft, and it really kills him, but what he said will kill Jiang Lihuan even more.

He narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "I'm not as good as snacks and sweet and sour pork ribs in your heart?"

The little girl shook her head, "This is incomparable, you only have one, and there are many, many, many snacks. Although it seems that you are very precious, you lose in quantity, so I choose many, many, many snacks..."

The dizzy little girl had absolutely no idea what she said.

His head was also a little sluggish.

Jiang Lihuan looked at her with a smile, "But baby, I never gave you a chance to choose. The snacks are yours, the candy is yours, and I'm yours too."

Whether you want it or not, I am yours.

"Huh?" Cha Cha looked at him in confusion.

was stunned for a few seconds, and she seemed to finally understand what he meant.

"Are you saying that you and the snacks are mine? That's fine, you go home with me! You will be mine in the future, you can't go with others, you have to go with me! You have to listen to what I say. Mine, can't reject me, can't murder me, can't look at others..."

The little girl fell softly into his arms, wrapped her hands around his neck, and reasoned with him fiercely.

"Well, I'll listen to you."

The boy circled her and took the person into his arms.

When    got up and left, he glanced at Anwei, "Thank you for your wine."

(end of this chapter)