Chapter 426: The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (1)

Chapter 426 The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (1)

"Yan Cha, has your conscience been eaten by a dog? Your sister is so kind to you, look what you have done?"

"If I had known that you would kill your sister, I might as well strangle you as soon as you were born!"

As soon as   Chacha walked in, he heard two stern scoldings.

His voice was full of disgust.

She raised her eyes and followed the voice in astonishment.

A middle-aged man and woman are waiting anxiously outside the emergency room.

From time to time, the two of them made time to scold her.

"Qiqi, give me the general plot."

The little girl lowered her eyes.

glanced at the slightly sore palm.

Bai Nennen's palm has a wound, which seems to have been rubbed not long ago.

She frowned, her eyes full of displeasure.

Depressed emotions came uncontrollably.

The original owner is Yancha.

The person in the emergency room is Yan Cha's sister, Yan Qingmeng.

The two are twins, Yan Cha was born a while later than Yan Qingmeng, but the lives of the two are very different.

Yan Cha was born a little dull, slow to respond, and slow to do things.

Yan Qingmeng is very smart, can talk, knows how to look at people's eyes, and even makes his parents happy.

For a long time.

Yancha's character is getting more and more dull, and Yan's mother and Yan's mother are also more and more fond of Yan Qingmeng.

And Yan tea is dispensable in their eyes.

Yan Cha, except for one face, is blind in all appearances.

Naturally, Yan Qingmeng became the little princess in Yan's father and mother's heart.

Yancha was a sophomore in sophomore year.

Made a boyfriend at school.

Boyfriend Huo Qiudeng is outstanding in every aspect.

As for Yancha, only that face is slightly outstanding, and many people are secretly wondering if Huo Qiudeng is blind, so they will fall in love with Yancha.

Yan Qingmeng's university is next door to Yancha.

After learning that my sister had made a boyfriend, I would go to Yancha's school from time to time, euphemistically saying: My sister is young, don't be deceived.

One to two to go.

Yan Qingmeng and Huo Qiudeng looked at each other.

Yan Cha, who has always been slow to respond, ran to find Yan Qing Meng Theory.

Yan Qingmeng said innocently in front of everyone that although true love comes first, for the sake of her sisters, she can no longer be with Huo Qiudeng.

So, in front of everyone, he said that he would cut off contact with Huo Qiudeng from now on, and only asked his sister to forgive her.

Which would have thought.

That night.

Yan Qingmeng went home and cut her wrists to commit suicide.

terrified Yan's father and Yan's mother... and also terrified Yan Cha.

was even more shocked by Huo Qiudeng, who was devastated by the separation from Yan Qingmeng.

Huo Qiudeng was stimulated and said that he would never marry another woman except Yan Qingmeng in this life.

As for Yan Cha, she was ostracized by everyone, and everyone thought she was forcing Yan Qingmeng to commit suicide...


Exactly at this time.

The door to the emergency room was opened.

The doctor came out from inside and comforted a few words softly.

The nurse who followed her glanced at the little **** the ground and then at the patient in the emergency room.

When the patient's parents reprimanded them before, they all listened to it.

So, at this time, the young nurse with a strong sense of justice couldn't help but scolded her.

"I really don't understand, why is this young girl so cruel to her sister? Is there anything we can't talk about together? You have to drive people on the road to suicide..."

Cha Cha tilted his head and glanced at the nurse, and then at Huo Qiudeng who came over.

The corner of her lips twitched, she got up from the ground, her little head drooped, and she said earnestly word by word.

"I was wrong, even if my sister stole my boyfriend, I shouldn't ask her why.

I should put on my green hat obediently and tell everyone that I am willing to give my boyfriend to my sister. "


Shimizu in this book, don't ask me about the process.

The last time I touched, , small, and my hands were almost screened, , obscured~ So~ the comment also follows Qingshui, not to mention the process~ Thank you~

(end of this chapter)