Chapter 442: The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (17)

Chapter 442 The president has white moonlight in his heart (17)

Huo Qiudeng subconsciously asked again, "Uncle is back?"

There was a bit of astonishment in his eyes.

After all, in his impression, the uncle would never return to the main house so early...

The housekeeper nodded and repeated, "I'm back." And he brought a little girl back.

Huo Qiudeng was a little confused.

He shook his head and secretly said something strange.

Then he walked in with Yan Qingmeng.

He whispered to Yan Qingmeng as he walked, "My uncle has a cold face towards everyone. When I see him later, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Yan Qingmeng nodded cooperatively, "Well, I'll listen to you."

The two of them were chatting, and they had come to the living room.

Yan Qingmeng's docile appearance collapsed instantly when he touched a familiar figure in the corner of his eye.

"Why are you here!" Surprise and consternation almost came out, vaguely, with a bit of rebuke.

As soon as the    voice fell, Yan Qingmeng immediately realized that his emotions were out of control.

Her face quickly returned to her usual gentleness, leaving only the surprise in her eyes.

She stared straight at the soft little **** the sofa.

Yan tea!

How come here?

Yan Qingmeng was dumbfounded, shocked and angry.

Then he hurriedly turned his head to look at Huo Qiudeng.

Which material.

Huo Qiudeng also looked shocked.

After being stunned for a while, Huo Qiudeng looked at Chacha with mixed emotions, "Why are you here?"

This is Huo's house, not anywhere else, how could she be here?

Besides, Yan Cha and the Huo family have nothing to do with each other.

The little girl holding the snacks glanced at them calmly, "Why can't I be here?"

Huo Qiudeng was annoyed by her tepid tone, "This is my house, what do you want to do?"

He just felt that something was out of his control.

And this feeling of being out of control is getting stronger and stronger, like slipping off a certain track and unable to master it anymore.

Chacha reached out and grabbed a handful of snacks and stuffed it into his mouth, biting a few times.

Wu Liuliu's eyes stared straight at Yan Qingmeng with no emotion.

made Yan Qingmeng shudder.

As if the clicking sound was biting her flesh.

Yan Qingmeng shrank to hide beside Huo Qiudeng, like a weak little white flower that was about to be destroyed...

Huo Qiudeng was even more angry.

"Yan Cha, we have long since had nothing to do with each other. As I said, the person I like now is your sister Yan Qingmeng, and I will only marry your sister in the future, can you please stop pestering me?

No matter how you came to my Huo family's main house, now, please go out immediately!

Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude! "

His voice grew louder, the anger on his face unconcealed.

The housekeeper was beside him, already dumbfounded.

Fortunately, he has seen a lot of wind and waves.

From these few conversations, important information has been captured.

The little girl brought back by the second young master had a relationship with the young master...

And this little girl is still the younger sister of the young master's current girlfriend... What a **** development.

The butler sighed to himself.

Then he hurriedly stepped forward to remind, "Little Master, this girl was brought back by the Second Young Master. You'd better pay attention to your words, so that the Second Young Master will not hear it."

Huo Qiudeng, "???" Uncle brought back?

Are you sure it was my uncle who brought people back?

how is this possible?

Huo Qiudeng freed one hand and rubbed his eyes, making sure that he was not dreaming, and then set his eyes on Cha Cha again.

"How did you meet my uncle?"

(end of this chapter)