Chapter 449: The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (24)

Chapter 449 The President Has White Moonlight (24)

The little girl who was biting the candy made a move.

raised his head from Huo Qing's arms.

The moist eyes first glanced at Huo Qing, then turned to look at Huo Qiudeng.

Huo Qiudeng's face was completely bloodless.

The little girl was overjoyed.

shouted softly, "Hello, eldest nephew."

There was a bit of joy between his eyebrows and eyes.

woo, my ex-boyfriend called me auntie.

This feeling is so exciting, super happy!

When he thought that the person who could make Huo Qiudeng call his auntie honestly was Huo Qing, Cha Cha thought about it and should give him a reward.

She wrapped Huo Qing's neck.

happily sipped on his cheek.

Huo Qing lowered his eyes with no expression on his face. He clasped the fingers of her slender waist and tightened them slightly.

At an angle that Cha Cha couldn't see, the earlobes were a little flushed.

Huo Qiudeng became even more angry when he saw the interaction between the two.

Even, there is an unspeakable depression.

When Yan Cha was with him in the past, how could it be so lively?

The whole person is a little nerd. When you talk to her, she responds very slowly.

Now seeing her in his uncle's arms, Huo Qiudeng only felt that the whole popularity hurts...

Yan Qingmeng, who had been paying attention to his emotions, reached out and patted the back of his hand at the right time to comfort him appropriately.

In an instant, there was another wave of flirting in their eyes.

Old man, "..." is just irritating to the eyes.

Or Huo Qing's interaction with the little girl is more fun.

He tilted his head to look at the two of them.

I don't know, Huo Qing picked him up, then glanced at the old man, and said solemnly, "I'll take her upstairs first, and let me be called when lunch starts."

Father, "???"

He watched Huo Qing bring people upstairs.

looked confused.

Blue sky and daytime... It doesn't seem very good.

Seeing Huo Qing and Cha Cha leave, the old man pressed his eyebrows and followed him upstairs.

in a blink.

Only Huo Qiudeng and Yan Qingmeng were left in the living room.

The two were very embarrassed.

Yan Qing dreamed for a while, and said softly, "How about you take me to your room to see?"

Huo Qiudeng nodded, "Yes."

He stretched out his hand and helped Yan Qingmeng go upstairs.

Even though Huo Qiudeng gave her warmth and care, Yan Qingmeng was still cold all over.

At this moment, she was very clear in her heart that the old man looked down on her.

Just sat for so long.

The old man's eyes were almost always in the direction of Huo Qing.

The smile in his eyes couldn't stop at all.

And she and Huo Qiudeng, the old man didn't even want to take a look.

What does this mean?

means that the old man prefers Yan tea.

Thinking about what the old man just said and his attitude, it clearly shows that in his eyes, Huo Qing's son is more important.

And Huo just his grandson...


Huo Qing's room is very big.

Chacha was carried by him and placed on the bed.

The little girl blushed, climbed off the bed, and walked around the room a few times.

Suddenly thought of something, she tilted her head and stared at him, "Huo Qing? Why did you prepare a girl's room in that villa?"

Huo Qing looked indifferent, "Prepare it for my daughter-in-law."

The implication is that I treat you as a daughter-in-law.


Chacha didn't get to this point, but leaned over with a confused look and asked him in astonishment.

"Why do you want to sleep in a separate room with your wife? Unexpectedly, you plan to sleep in a room by yourself after you get married!"

Huo Qing, "..." I'm not, I don't!

That was not what I meant.

I are my daughter-in-law.

Shooting himself in the foot is the first time Huo Qing has experienced.

(end of this chapter)