Chapter 452: The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (27)

Chapter 452 The President Has White Moonlight (27)

As Huo Qing said.

For a whole week, Cha Cha did not go to class.

As for how Huo Qing asked for leave, Chacha didn't know and didn't ask, and he couldn't ask anyway.

However, she knew that he donated a school building!

made the school happy.

In this regard, Cha Cha also thought about it.

In case of a quarrel with Huo Qing one day in the future, will Huo Qing let her pay for the building as well.

The teaching building is so expensive, shouldn't she be able to afford it?

So...I still don't quarrel with Huo Qing.

The little girl waved goodbye to the old man when she was about to go to class.

can make the old man feel bad.

The old man kept instructing.

"You must take good care of yourself in school, if you have anything, let the housekeeper pick you up.

If you are not used to it, just tell me that the most important thing in my Huo family is money. What is money used for?

Isn't it just to let my future daughter-in-law play! "

Chachawu's eyes were full of light, she nodded, and almost wanted to ask if she could not go to class.

Huo Qing lifted the little girl behind him and looked at the old man speechlessly.

"She will come back at night after class! It's not long before she returns to the main house, what are you worried about?"

Father, "..."

Oh, I'll be back tonight.

Oh, that's alright.

He waved at the little girl behind Huo Qing and watched the two get into the car.

in the car.

Huo Qing took the weak girl into his arms and warned softly.

"I will wait for you near your school at noon, and then take you to lunch, remember, don't run around, the school cafeteria is crowded and the food is not good."

Driver, "..." You are obviously more verbose than the old man.

Chacha thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay, I'll accompany you to dinner."

Huo Qing pulled out the little girl's timetable from the phone again.

He said, "You have four classes this morning and two classes in the afternoon, which are..."

Chacha is helpless.

She tilted her head and thought for a while, but couldn't hold back, she reached out and shook Huo Qing.

"Huo Qing, you say, am I your girlfriend or your daughter?"

The little girl's wet eyes were full of resentment.

Huo Qing looked at the little girl in his arms and said solemnly, "No, you are my fiancee."

The fiancée who was finally abducted.

Although he unilaterally announced his fiancée, she did not refute it, rounding it up, that is, she recognized his fiancé.

Cha Cha snorted and started nonsense.

"Since you said that I am your fiancee, then you should be careful, you should be concerned about your fiancee's living situation, not your fiancee's study situation!

And you are always in my ear blah blah studying, it will put a lot of pressure on me.

If I'm under a lot of stress, I'll be in a bad mood, if I'm in a bad mood, I won't be able to eat, if I can't eat, I won't grow taller.

If I don't grow tall, I will have a bad temper, and if I have a bad temper, my skin will also become bad, and then you will have a short and ugly fiancee! "

The little girl stared at him confidently.

Leng was taken aback by what Huo Qing said.

Huo Qing suppressed the smile on his lips.

"So, if I urge you to study, it will have such a bad influence on you?"

"Yes!" The little girl looked at him with certainty, "You don't want to have a short and ugly fiancee?"

Who doesn't want a pretty little girl?

Soft and well-behaved.

Take a look and feel better.

(end of this chapter)