Chapter 455: The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (30)

Chapter 455 The President Has White Moonlight (30)

The girl was slightly taken aback.

I didn’t expect to be accurately captured by Chacha.

She thought that hiding in the crowd would not be discovered.

Soon, the people around her took a step back, directly revealing her in everyone's sight.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Chacha angrily.

"You made your sister commit suicide, you just did something wrong!"

Chacha winked at her.

"Since you think I did something wrong, then I did it wrong.

By the way, do you have a boyfriend? "

The girl nodded subconsciously, then she was startled again, "What do you mean?"

Chacha, "For the sake of your accusing me of being wrong, I hope you will be cheated on by your boyfriend in the future, and your sister will steal your boyfriend too."


Chacha, "Wow, by the way, after being cheated on, you must commit suicide before your sister, otherwise everyone will think you are heinous, so don't thank me~"

A soft voice, like a magic sound, fell in the girl's ears.

also falls in the hearts of everyone.

The smiling little girl lowered her eyes and glanced at the boy sitting on the ground.

"Hey, you came out for Yan Qingmeng because you liked Yan Qingmeng, right?"

The boy's face turned red and he was pointed out.

But at the same time, he felt that what Cha Cha had just said made him a little dazed.

He didn't answer her question, but quickly retorted, "Yan Qingmeng will not be like you said, she was wronged, she was forced to commit suicide by you!"

The little girl said a few words that were particularly heart-wrenching for a thief.

"But even if you distort the truth here to stand up for her, she won't give you a second look.

You probably don't know that the day after she committed suicide, she went to see Huo Qiudeng's family and made up her mind to marry Huo Qiudeng. She has a terrific love for Huo Qiudeng.

And you, tsk, when you are as rich as Huo Qiudeng, go after her. "

The boy was stunned for a moment, "You are talking nonsense! She won't go to see Huo Qiudeng's family. She said in public that she would cut off all contact with Huo Qiudeng for you! She sacrificed so much, and you forced her to commit suicide... You... …”

Chacha interrupted him impatiently.

"You are pitiful."

boy, "..."

Cha Cha turned around and looked at Huo Qiu Deng who had been silent.

"Huo Qiudeng is here, you ask him if Yan Qingmeng took her back to Huo's house the day after she committed suicide, and met his grandfather."

Huo Qiudeng, who was suddenly named, glanced at Cha Cha in a panic, and quickly lowered his head without making a sound.

The soft little girl suddenly sneered, turned around, and left without looking back.

This class, there is no need to take it again.

This farce came to an end with her departure.

But this time, everyone had a question in their hearts.

They subconsciously leaned towards Yan Qingmeng because they heard that Yan Qingmeng committed suicide.

but ignore the fact.

All of this has a premise, that is, Yan Qingmeng robbed her sister's boyfriend, this is an unchangeable fact...

Huo Qiudeng sat silent for a while.

Suddenly got up and left.

At that time, the corridor outside the classroom was empty.

He squatted on the ground a little dejected.

He didn't know why he came to this classroom.


He often ran to the classroom here, but he never saw her.

I finally found out that she would come to class today, so I was waiting here early.

But it became the way it is now.

He thought about it carefully, he thought: he probably owes her an apology...


Four shifts, see you tonight~

(end of this chapter)