Chapter 461: The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (36)

Chapter 461 The President Has White Moonlight (36)

Huo Qing often accompanies Chacha to class.

Not only our school knows.

Even the school next door knows it.

It was a public uproar.

Not to mention Huo Qing's identity and background, he just accompanies his girlfriend to class every day.

This sweetness has already made many girls envious.

Boyfriend is so handsome, has money and background, and still accompanies class every day?

All kinds of pets, all kinds of romance.

Who can't see that you can't say a word about dog food?

These days, the students in the two schools are probably talking about the dog food of Huo Qing and Chacha the most.

However, when it comes to Chacha, it is natural to mention a few words about Yancha's sister, Yan Qingmeng.

Maybe boys can't react.

But, as long as any smart girl can't see that Yan Qingmeng is a blooming white lotus?

Moreover, it was the white lotus that robbed his sister's girlfriend.

That little trick, after a little thought, many people can understand.

After robbing her boyfriend, all kinds of apologies said that they would never be together again, but turned around and committed suicide?

Suicide and go to see your parents the next day?

This is so special, whoever hears it, has to say a good trick.

So, Chacha and Huo Qing sprinkled dog food at the same time.

Yan Qingmeng is in dire straits.

She didn't expect that the backlash would come so quickly...

The good image that    has worked so hard to maintain has all been shattered overnight. The former good friends, good sisters, roommates in the dormitory...the attitude towards her has changed a lot.

Those who avoided her were better, and even worse, scolded her in front of her...

There are all kinds of ugly words.

In just a few days, Yan Qingmeng couldn't stay any longer, so she took a week off to go home to rest.

Yan Qingmeng has not been idle for the past few days, and often browses the school forum.


The    forum is almost always swiped by the school next door.

And the school next door...

It's all about Huo Qing and Chacha.

The title of the    forum is even more speechless:

"Today is another day for the big guy to accompany the class! 》

"Click to see the big guy accompanies the class with the little girlfriend"

"Q: How much is the diamond ring in the hands of the little girlfriend of the big brother's family? Can you afford it in your lifetime? 》


Yan Qingmeng was taken aback for a moment, followed the post and clicked in, and then saw a candid photo.

is the profile of Cha Cha, of course, the face is not the most important.

The most important thing is that on her right hand, the huge diamond on the ring is shiny and beautiful, very beautiful.

Yan Qingmeng was stunned.

Has Huo Qing proposed marriage?

Even wearing a ring?

Her whole body was as cold as a basin of cold water, from head to toe.

In the end, she didn't know how she got out of the room.

After she regained consciousness, she had come to the vicinity of Chacha School.

However, she did not dare to show her face.

Instead, he called Huo Qiudeng.

It has been several days, and Huo Qiudeng has not contacted her actively... The unease in my heart began to grow gradually.

If he doesn't take the initiative, then she should take the initiative.

No matter what happens now, she must hold Huo Qiudeng tightly in her hands.

She is sober now, she knows what she wants.

She can go to the end only if she holds Huo Qiu Deng firmly in her hand.

She and Huo Qiudeng must not have an accident.

Huo Qiudeng was a little stunned when he received the call from Yan Qingmeng.

Especially at the moment when he heard her crying, he realized in a trance that he seemed to ignore his girlfriend, he sighed and said that he would be there soon.

(end of this chapter)