Chapter 464: The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (39)

Chapter 464 The President Has White Moonlight (39)

"What happened in the past? Do I know? If you don't understand, you can tell me, and let's discuss it together."

Yan Qingmeng tried her best to squeeze out a smile to make herself look gentle and moving.

Huo Qiudeng shook his head and didn't say any more.

There was a strange silence between the two of them.

When Huo Qing walked into the main house, he happened to see Huo Qiudeng and Yan Qingmeng.

He took a look and didn't see his little girl. It was estimated that as soon as the two appeared, his little girl ran back to the room by herself.

collected his thoughts, and walked towards the second floor with a blank face.

Huo Qiudeng looked at the familiar figure and subconsciously shouted, "Uncle."

Huo Qing looked back at him, "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing." Huo Qiudeng immediately shook his head.

It seems that every time he encounters his uncle, he can feel the pressure from him that cannot be ignored. That feeling, sometimes, is almost suffocating.

Uncle's breath is too cold and too frightening.

Moreover, he didn't dare to look at Huo Qing, those black eyes were deep and sharp.

When    looked down, he happened to see Huo Qing holding something in his hand.

"What's in your hand?"

Hearing the words, Huo Qing smiled, and his face became milder.

"Your little aunt wants to eat candied haws, so you insisted on pestering me to buy it." At this point, he sighed slightly, full of helplessness, "I really can't do anything about her."

When the words were finished, he carried the candied haws and hurried upstairs.

Leaving behind Yan Qingmeng and Huo Qiudeng who ate a pile of dog food.

Yan Qingmeng is a little bit better. She has been attacked one after another these days, and her ability to resist pressure has become stronger.

And Huo Qiudeng, almost unable to stand.

Does his uncle actually spoil people for this?

I want to eat candied haws.

Let his uncle go outside to buy?

The servants are all there, but the uncle insists on going in person?

and uncle... a little aunt, is it impossible, are they really going to get married?

Huo Qiudeng suddenly felt that his thoughts were very messy.

He lifted his foot and was about to go back to his room.

Just took two steps, and was stopped by Yan Qingmeng.

Yan Qingmeng looked at him aggrieved, the tears in his eyes seemed to fall in the next second, "Qiu Deng, do you seem to have any dissatisfaction with me?"

In the past, when Huo Qiudeng saw her tears, she would be very distressed.

But at this moment, looking at this grievance and injury.

Huo Qiudeng felt a little pretentious for some reason, he turned his head and made a perfunctory sentence.

"Don't think about it, I'll go to rest for a while, I'll ask the servant to take you around a few times, and I'll come to you later."

Leaving this sentence behind, he turned around and went upstairs into his room.

Yan Qingmeng, who was left standing in place, was at a loss.

She seems to be unable to catch Huo Qiudeng.

That feeling is too obvious...

He is like quicksand, the tighter she holds, the faster he drains... She has to grab what she wants before his feelings for her disappear.

Yan Qingmeng lowered her eyes and quietly followed the servant to hang out outside.

Although the scenery was good, she didn't have the slightest thought.

The whole process was honest and quiet, as if hurt.


Chacha saw Huo Qing came back with candied haws.

Eyes shine.

"Huo Qing, you are amazing!" I bought the candied fruit so soon!

Must be praised!

Don't be afraid of him floating!

Even if he floats, he can be pulled back!

The little girl leaned over, took a bite, bit his side face, and happily took the candied haws.

woo, sweet and sour.

is especially delicious.

She decided to make candied haws her new favorite!

(end of this chapter)