Chapter 466: The president's heart has white moonlight (41) seven more

Chapter 466 The President Has White Moonlight (41) Seventh

Huo Qing narrowed his eyes, "What's the problem."

Huo Qiudeng hesitated again.

To be precise, it was a question that had troubled him for a long time.

has troubled him since a long time ago.

Today, it is more and more troubled.

In the past, he was afraid of Huo Qing, and he was in awe of Huo Qing, so he didn't ask.

Now... I suddenly feel a sigh of relief in my heart and want to know the truth of the matter.

"Uncle, before Chacha, you should have someone in your heart, right?" His voice was a little weak and a little uncertain.

Hearing this, Huo Qing glanced at him more.

Huo Qiudeng encouraged himself, his voice trembling uncontrollably.

"I, I have seen the portrait in your room. At that time, I accidentally glanced at it. It was drawn by you. It was obviously a girl, but at that time, you didn't know Chacha at all..."

Therefore, the person in the portrait cannot be Chacha.

Then who is that person?

Now, what does Uncle and Chacha mean?

Huo Qing looked at Huo Qiudeng indifferently, as if waiting for his next words.

Huo Qiudeng struggled with his dark eyes and said, "I-I just think that you are unfair to Chacha, I don't know how you and Chacha got together, and I don't know how you met.

But uncle, since you have someone in your heart, then...then don't deceive Chacha's feelings...

If you use Chacha as a stand-in, or something else, no matter which one, it will hurt her a lot, should let her go. "

A paragraph, Huo Qiudeng stumbled out.

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Huo Qing's face at all.

Waiting quietly for Huo Qing to get angry.

To be honest, he didn't know why he suddenly said such things to his uncle.

Or maybe he vaguely felt that if the uncle separated from Cha Cha, the lively little girl might look at him more because of this, or even get back with him...

This kind of weird idea, once it emerges, can no longer be controlled.


Huo Qing stared at Huo Qiudeng for a few seconds.

Finally, he laughed.

The dark eyes were full of coldness, "Do you think, what qualifications do you have to tell me these words?"

Huo Qiudeng's eyes dodged, "I...I..."

Huo Qing coldly exposed the unbearableness in his heart, "Or, do you think that after I separate from Cha Cha, she will still be with you?

Huo Qiudeng, can you wake up a little? You yourself betrayed her first.

What affectionate character are you pretending to be?

Besides, why do you think you can turn back if you want?

Where did you get your confidence, think she would like you? "

Every word, like a sharp blade, pierced into Huo Qiudeng's heart.

However, Huo Qing did not intend to let him go.

"Yan Qingmeng's matter, haven't you solved it yet? You just brought her back to the main house today, and are you telling me this again?

Why, are you planning to step on two boats?

Huo Qiudeng, deal with your own mess first.

The most important point is, don't think about the person you shouldn't think about, you remember it clearly for me, she will always be your little aunt! "

Sharp eyes, exuding a cold chill.

The surrounding temperature also dropped one after another...

Dare to covet his little girl?

is really bold.

Although my brain is not very smart, there are some things that I really dare to think about!

Huo Qing stopped looking at Huo Qiudeng's pale face, turned around and walked out of the study without looking back.

If Huo Qiudeng is not his elder brother's son...

He can guarantee that Huo Qiudeng will lie down and exit this door today!


Seven more good night~

See you tomorrow~

(end of this chapter)