Chapter 478: The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (53)

Chapter 478 The President Has White Moonlight (53)

After lunch.

Huo Qing delivered the tea to the school gate and left in a hurry.

When Cha Cha entered school.

found that many people looked at her, and there was something wrong.

She thought about it, found her phone, and flipped through the forum.

The school forum was calm and seemed to be fine.

So, she put back her phone and hopped into the classroom. There were only two classes in the afternoon. She sat there quietly, looking for snacks in her pocket.


Chacha is a little confused.

turned around again.

"...Qiqi, I'm out of snacks, did you steal it?"

Qiqi, [No, I didn't even climb out, how could I steal it...] Wronged Baba.

The little girl turned to look at the assistant, "The snacks are gone."

The assistant    was stunned for a while, and asked subconsciously, "What should I do?" After asking, it seemed that something was wrong.

He coughed twice, "I'll have someone deliver it now?"

"Well, hurry up then." Cha Cha nodded.

was very satisfied with the wit of the assistant.

The assistant    immediately found someone to buy snacks.

It's just that there may be a little problem with time.

He whispered a little embarrassedly, "It may not be delivered until after the first get out of class is over."

Cha Cha was stunned for a while, then shook his head, "Forget it, it's the same when we go back and eat again."

She has two classes in the afternoon. After one class, there is only less than an hour left, so there is no need to let the assistant toss back and forth...

Without the snacks, the little girl slumped on the table.

Alas, she must bring a little more next time.

This time I was careless.

I accidentally finished eating, "..." Heartbroken.

The assistant    lowered his head in shame.

If the president is here, it will definitely not take so much time.


in the eyes of others.

Many people thought that Cha Cha might have had a quarrel with the boss and was lying on the table crying at the moment.

"..." An action, a look.

They all analyzed various situations.

But, without exception.

Every situation is to guess towards the same ending: the boss and Chacha are finished!

These two are going to be separated!

The big guy really has a white moonlight in his heart!

In order to be afraid of their discussion, he even asked the administrator to delete the post and mute it!

Real Hammer! Real hammer!

Don't let them say it on the forum, but it can't stop them from having all kinds of guesses in their minds...

Finally finished two classes.

The little girl who was stunned immediately regained her energy and ran fast.

She has to hurry back and find some snacks.

And the people who saw her running so fast had a question mark in their hearts? ? ?

Is this stimulated? Are you directly insane?

Didn’t you always walk around the school quietly and happily?

So, everyone felt even more that Cha Cha was finished with the big guy......

followed behind, the assistant with old arms and legs, burst into tears, crying, why can Chacha run so fast?

Is he old?

The little girl is so energetic, how can she be so good?

Waiting for the assistant to run into the car, Cha Cha was already sitting quietly in the car, holding a small snack.

Hey, when she walked out of the classroom, she suddenly remembered that there seemed to be two packs of snacks in the car.

And then...really found it!

The assistant was sitting in the car, exhausted.

Tired and tired, he fell asleep.

Cha Cha got out of the car and glanced at the sleeping assistant, "???" Are you busy recently?

Huo Qing is so busy, so the assistant should be busy too?

She turned to look at the driver, "Send him home and let him have a good rest."

(end of this chapter)