Chapter 481: The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (56)

Chapter 481 The President Has White Moonlight (56)

Cha Cha looked at a bunch of faceless portraits, and his mood was very complicated.

is not only complicated, but also inexplicably a little weird.

She silently put down the stack of portraits in her hands.

Wu Liuliu's eyes stared straight at Huo Qing, waiting for him to speak.

"Why exactly?"

Why no face?

Don't you's weird?

I thought I was looking at a scary portrait...

Huo Qing looked at her solemnly, sat down beside her, and said softly.

"Let's say it first. You can have doubts when I explain, but I can guarantee that what I said is the truth, you have to believe me."

Cha Cha, "... um."

Whether you are telling the truth or the truth, I will judge for myself.

Of course, she thought, Huo Qing wouldn't tell lies at such a time.

"Speak, I will listen carefully."

Huo Qing, "Okay."

The dark ink eyes changed a little, becoming deep and unpredictable.

In the years before I met her.

He would always dream late at night.

In the dream, there is a little girl, and in the dream, he has been chasing her footsteps.

However, he never saw her face clearly.

Later, he went to see a doctor and a psychiatrist, but unfortunately, he didn't get any answers.

That dream scene will change, all kinds, but the only constant is that he has been chasing her...

Gradually, he began to draw some people in the dream.

Without exception, I can't always draw that face...

Until that day, when he saw Chacha at the hospital gate, he didn't even know why.

At a glance, he felt that she was the person in his dream.

After listening to the process, Cha Cha fell into contemplation.

Huo Qing looked at Chacha nervously.

"I, I know this sounds like nonsense, but... what I said is true."

In the beginning, he was quite confident, and the little girl turned over the vinegar jar.

Now he suddenly realizes that this story is really ridiculous, and even after he finished speaking, he fell into doubt.

Chacha thought for a while, then reached out and patted his shoulder, comforting, "Don't worry, I know what you said is true."

Although it sounds a bit silly.

However, she can travel through one small plane after another, and these dreams are naturally nothing.

Huo Qing was still a little nervous.

Seeing him like this, the little girl plunged into his arms.

"Hey, don't be nervous, don't be afraid, I really believe in you, and don't you think this is fate? The person you have been thinking about for so many years is not someone else, but me!"

woo, no one can take away Huo Qing.


Huo Qing lowered his eyes, didn't say much, and squeezed her waist tightly with both hands.

The little girl nestled in his arms began to fall into contemplation.

In other words, she is different from him.

She carries the memory of every plane.

And he has no memory, but according to his dreams, she still had an influence on him.

Alas, I don't know when, he will be able to carry memories like her...

"Qiqi, do you know his identity?"

Chacha suddenly asked, and Qiqi was stunned for a moment.

【I...I don't know, I don't know anything, I, I am a daily autistic system. 】

Chacha, "???"

I just asked you, why do I feel that you are guilty?

And especially guilty?

However, it doesn't matter.

Always know his identity anyway.

Take your time, don’t rush.

She hasn't had enough snacks yet...


Five more...

The tenth update, hey, let me kneel down on the keyboard first~

In addition, the readership group is going to disband today, so I sat in front of the computer and thought about it for a few hours.

There are a lot of things I want to say, but in the end there is only one sentence left - thank you for your company.

Little cuties, communicate in the book review area in the future~

I've always been here~

Good night, I hope tomorrow will be the tenth update!

(end of this chapter)