Chapter 483: The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (58)

Chapter 483 The President Has White Moonlight (58)

Mother Swallow looked at Yan Qingmeng with a look of anger.

A little panic.

"Don't be angry, I won't mention it in the future..."

I didn't expect that my daughter would have such a big reaction to the three words Huo Qiudeng.

In other words, the two did not reconcile.

Since it's not reconciled, why are you so happy?

Could something else happen?

But at this moment, Mother Yan did not dare to ask, and did not dare to say a word, for fear that her daughter's emotions would change more and more...

Yan Qingmeng glanced at her mother a little irritably, and then looked at her father who remained silent from beginning to end, she was even more angry.

If they could be like the Huo family, rich and powerful, would she still be unhappy because of Huo Qiudeng?

Not at all…

She sighed heavily and turned back to her room.

The only thing that can make her happy now is probably all kinds of unhappiness between Huo Qing and her good sister.

It's better for the two to be separated, she'll be happy to see it.

Thinking like this, she closed her eyes in delight.

Inside the dream.

Huo Qing broke up with Cha Cha, Cha Cha was very sad, and she stepped on people under her feet...


Some things, as expected, it is faster to dream.

Especially, daydreaming.

is very suitable...

The next day.

Huo Qing got up early in the morning and was alone in the room, changing clothes after another.

I plan to have a handsome man for Chacha.

Speaking of which, he was very sad.

Although he made things clear last night, his baby kicked him out the door.

When facing the photo, draw her portrait and let him in.

And I have to draw a little more smartly...

Can't be drawn as a dull little girl.

Huo Qing, "..." has a complicated mood.

Dig a hole for yourself.

If he knew earlier, he wouldn't tease her. Every time he teased her, he could trap himself...

changed and changed, and finally changed into a casual dress.

He rarely wears casual clothes in recent years.

However, this casual outfit just happens to be a couple outfit with his baby!

And also very energetic!

It turns out.

Huo Qing's eye for picking clothes is not bad.

When   Cha Cha went downstairs, he looked at him one more time.

Although he didn't say anything on the bright side, his eyes lit up slightly.

After breakfast, the two went to school as usual. Yesterday, the company's affairs were almost finished.

There are a few small things left, which can be solved by letting the assistant take a trip.

Moreover, he not only has the task of accompanying the class today.

He also wants to let those people know that it is impossible and will not be separated from him and his baby.

Huo Qing got out of the car, turned around and walked to the other side, helping Cha Cha to open the car door, a gentleman, careful and gentle.

The eyes and brows are full of joy.

Cha Cha walked with him with a smile, "Huo Qing? Do you think that when we go to school like this now, will someone say that we are deliberately showing our love, but in fact, we have already broken up?"

Huo Qing buckled her waist and said helplessly, "How could you have such an idea?"

How could he let go of his little baby?

It was difficult to turn back.

His life!

The two entered the classroom, as usual.

No sign of discord at all.

Everyone, "???" Could it be that what Yan Qingmeng said yesterday was false?

No matter how they look at it, it doesn't look like they have quarreled.

is clearly very loving.

Someone quietly took a back photo.

spread in private groups with the text: Obviously these two are in love as always.

Soon, the back photo was turned around.

(end of this chapter)