Chapter 485: The President's Heart Has White Moonlight (60)

Chapter 485 The President Has White Moonlight (60)

Yanmother's thoughts quickly returned to the cage.

She did not forget the purpose of this time.

"Yan Cha, I worked so hard to give birth to you and raise you for so many years, how could you treat your sister like that?

You said, why did she feel sorry for you? You made her commit suicide, I didn't care about you, I didn't expect that you didn't repent, and you made her break up with Huo Qiudeng..."

Mother Swallow said a lot, her voice was loud, her expression was very angry, and her aura was fierce.

It just happened that it was the end of the morning class, and there was a lot of traffic, which soon attracted a lot of onlookers.

Chacha has a rare few minutes of patience.

"So that's what she told you!"

Unexpectedly, Yan Qingmeng could even say such a thing.

She guessed that Yan Qingmeng might have really lost her mind, so she told such a lie that could be broken with a single poke.

"What do you mean?" Yanmu didn't understand what she meant.

However, doubts are only a blink of an eye.

The next moment, she started to attack Chacha again.

For her, over the years, Cha Cha has always been unable to fight back or scolded.

She habitually reached out and hit Cha Cha.

Cha Cha moved quickly, dodged away.

Huo Qing's face turned cold.

"Go away!" He looked at Mother Swallow coldly.

The person he protects in the palm of his hand, she dares to do it?

's almost cold gaze fell on her hand.

Mother Swallow trembled, she instinctively felt scared, and she even had an illusion that her hand... no longer existed.

almost subconsciously pinched himself with the other hand.

instinctively took a step back and glanced at Huo Qing quickly.

Huo Qiudeng's little uncle?

So young?

Life experience clearly told her that she could not afford to offend the person in front of her.

Yanmu thought quickly, and then flattered, "Hello, I'm Cha Cha's mother, and I'll take her home."

There was a deliberate smile on her face, as if the person who was swearing just now was not her.

"Going home? Even if we go home, it will be back to me and hers." Huo Qing snorted coldly, his eyes filled with coldness.

The aura around her became more and more indifferent, forcing Mother Swallow to not dare to get close.

Huo Qing turned his head and took the little baby into his arms, for fear that Mother Swallow's action just now would scare her.

Mother Yan and Father Yan looked at each other and said boldly.

"What do you mean by that? She is my daughter, even if you are her boyfriend, you can't help but let me be a mother and bring people home!"

Cha Cha's eyes flashed, as if thinking of something.

Before Huo Qing could speak, she took the lead, "Okay, I'll go back with you."

Mother Yan was overjoyed. She coaxed people back first, and then closed the door. Didn’t she teach her a lesson as she wanted?

Her wishful thinking was very loud, but she didn't know that someone else had the same idea as her.

Chacha, "!!!" and go home with Yanmu.

She can roll up her sleeves and do whatever she wants!

If she doesn't beat people to the point of kneeling and crying, she won't be called Cha Cha!

Fight, I'm a professional!

Huo Qing saw some eagerness to try from the bottom of Cha Cha's eyes, he was stunned for a moment, and then whispered in her ear, "I'll go with you."

Cha Cha, "...It's okay too."

Let's be together.

It's ok.

Even if she does it, Huo Qing will help her and be happy.

Mother Yan and Father Yan did not realize the danger was coming.

is still immersed in the joy of coaxing people back.

For them.

Bringing people back is the most important thing in letting her and Qingmeng admit their mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and make Qingmeng feel better.

(end of this chapter)