Chapter 524: Your Majesty is Sweet (33)

Chapter 524 Your Majesty is Sweet (33)

Fengqing was stunned for a moment and said.

"You mean the evidence left by those assassins points to me?"

There was obviously a bit of astonishment in his steady voice.

Cha Cha nodded, "Hmm."

Look at it, she knew that he didn't know that the assassin had something to do with him.

She looked at Qiushui proudly.

Then, he said again.

"Although, I know it's not you, but my family Qiushui is frightened, you can talk to her well."

Cha Cha looked serious, and a bit of helplessness crossed his eyes.

If she doesn't bring people to Fengqing, I'm afraid that if Qiushui continues like this, her body will not be able to support it.

Fengqing looked at Shang Chacha, seeing her serious expression, neither questioning nor doubting, but full of trust.

His heart chords trembled slightly, and he reached out and hugged the person into his arms.

Immediately, he solemnly looked at Qiushui.

"I didn't send the assassin. I am sincere to your majesty. Don't worry, I will not hurt her."

He has always disliked explanations, especially with unimportant people.

However, His Majesty was worried about Qiushui and asked him to explain, that is to say, Qiushui is very important to Chacha.

Since this is the case, then he reluctantly explained that he could not make His Majesty worry about it.

Qiushui was stunned for a while.

nodded, feeling a little complicated.

She walked out of the side hall in a dizzy manner, and bumped into Xia Yue, only to realize what just happened...

She should trust Young Master Feng, His Majesty believes in him, and he is so solemn...

In short, the whole person is very confused.

In the side hall.

Fengqing raised her delicate chin with slender fingers.

"Is Your Majesty satisfied with my explanation?"

Chacha hummed, "I'm quite satisfied."

Hey, the assassin thing scared Qiu Shui...

Fengqing's eyes were deep and deep, and he slowly fell into thought.

From the very beginning, she believed him very much, and never doubted, "Your Majesty, have we met before?"

he asked suddenly.

How can a person trust another stranger so much?

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, with a smile in his moist eyes, "Why do you ask such a question? But... we shouldn't have seen it before."

Of course, before this, it refers to this plane.

woo, not including the first few planes.

Fengqing was a little surprised, "It's nothing, I just feel a little inexplicably familiar..."

It seems that her trust, sometimes in his view, is a matter of course?

It's like, he likes her, she can only be his... including all the feelings, like it's been through many times...

That kind of feeling, he can't tell...

Cha Cha guessed that he might have been influenced by her, so he leaned over and gave him a happy sip on his face.

"Don't you just want to say that you fell in love with me at first sight? I understand."

Fengqing, "..." is inexplicably familiar, is it related to love at first sight?

However, counting it, it was the first time I saw it.

He did have some feelings for her.

Cha Cha saw his smile, and his expression softened a bit.

"Don't ask these strange questions in the future, we are all together, and still thinking about these? If you have time to think about these, why don't you go and help me correct the memorial. I don't know if these ministers are diligent, or these ministers have no opinion. Every time a pile of memorials are sent, and everything has to be reported to me..."

Those little things, can't you handle them yourself?

Ask her about everything...

Fengqing nodded with a smile, eyes full of pampering, "Your Majesty has worked hard, and I will revise the memorial on my behalf."

's smiling eyes, the moment they lowered, flashed a dim light. In addition, he still needed to find out where those assassins came from.


Four shifts.

See you in the afternoon, remember to vote for the monthly pass, alright~

(end of this chapter)