Chapter 532: Your Majesty is Sweet (41)

Chapter 532 Your Majesty is Sweet (41)

Soon, Feng Qing told Cha Cha about his doubts.

Cha Cha nodded and said nothing else.

's expression was subtle, with a hint of joy.

Feng Qing was full of helplessness, "He is obviously wary of the Snow Country, why are you still happy?"

Chacha's pretty face was full of smiles.

"Since he knows how to disguise, it means that he is not stupid and has some brains. In this case, just take some time to let him know that I have no ill will towards him. After a long time, this matter is naturally understandable!"

Fengqing shook his head and hugged the person in his arms.

His Majesty's concerns are always different from others.

for several days.

Chacha didn't pay attention to the news from Jingdian.

only told Xia Yue and the imperial doctor to take good care of people.

At hand, there are many more memorials.

Of course, besides handing over these memorials to Feng Qing, Cha Cha will also take a look at them.

I can't always let Feng Qing help her with the memorial, he will also be tired, and he needs to rest.

When he was tired, she would also feel distressed.

Although, he never said anything.

But it was the look of handling everything in silence, which made Cha Cha feel warmer and more distressed.

Cha Cha pondered for a while and decided to put the plan on the agenda.

She took Qiushui and hurried to Jingdian.

He also held several books in his hand.

"Brother Emperor!" she shouted.

Immediately after, she saw Shangguan Jing, who was quietly waiting for Xia Yue to feed her, and ran under the table.

Cha Cha, "..."

She waved her hand and said coldly, "Qiushui, Xia Yue, go out! Close the door."

Qiushui, "Yes."

Xia Yue put the tableware and chopsticks on the table and left.

Before leaving, he glanced at the Shangguan Jing under the table uneasy.

Your Majesty will naturally not hurt King An.

But... King An's brain is not very good, but don't scare Your Majesty...

The door of    Jingdian was closed.

Cha Cha carried the book, bent down and pulled out Shangguan Jing from under the table.

Then, fiercely tugged at his collar.

"From now on, memorize all these books for me! I'll ask Xia Yue to check at night. If you can't memorize them, you won't be allowed to eat dinner!"

"Also, tomorrow morning, I will invite the master over to teach you a lesson. You can teach me how to govern the country honestly, or I will throw you back to Yueguo!"

Leaving these words, no matter what Shangguanjing's expression is.

She loosened her collar and turned to leave neatly.

Shangguanjing on the ground looked down at the books, which were the most basic knowledge. His eyes were dark, and he couldn't figure out what the emperor wanted to do, "..."


Shangguanjing naturally did not memorize those books.

The book was torn by him.

Xia Yue looked at the torn book with a headache.

Looking at Shangguan Jing, who was shaking into a ball, "..." was a little overwhelmed.

The things that His Majesty explained were not done.

How can this be good?

She looked at Shangguanjing's pitiful appearance and asked her to hold off her dinner, but she really couldn't do it.

had no choice but to run to find His Majesty.

At that time.

Cha Cha is having a meal with Feng Qing.

Hearing the report, without saying a word, let go of Fengqing, went straight to Jingdian, rushed in, beat Shangguan Jing with his hands, and then threatened him fiercely with his fists.

"I tell you, if you dare to tear up the book again, I'll hit you once!

Also, tomorrow is the first time Taifu will teach you. I don't care what you want to do, but you remember it for me. I finally invited Taifu to come here, so be honest with me!

If you dare to get mad at him, I will continue to beat you! "

Don't think she doesn't know, he just pretended.


Bear boy, what should I do if I'm not honest?

Of course it's a beating!


Five more

(end of this chapter)